What has COVID done for us, some of us undoubtedly have never thought to ask. Well, Roger Kimball did in SpectatorWorld.com, where he answers his own question:
One of the great things COVID has done is to eliminate death by old age. And, he adds, by the flu.
Typically the FLU claims 30,000 to 40,000 scalps per annum in the US. Many more in a bad year. How many flu deaths were there last season? According to the Scientific American, 700.
Let’s say you are unfortunate and on the receiving end of a bad motorcycle mishap and everything is lost, even your cerebellum, Mr. Kimball continues.
What remains of you will be transported to a hospital where management will file a claim and get 15 percent more on their government reimbursement because you “died from,” or at least with COVID.
I thought we’d be well beyond the Wuhan flu by now. Yes, it probably came from a Chinese virology lab, one where ‘gain-of-function’ (i.e., bio-weaponization) research, generously funded by St Anthony Fauci’s NIH, was taking place, but you’re not supposed to say that. The Chinese don’t like to have it bruited about publicly. So I won’t say it.
But what about the Delta variant? Mr. Kimball would have called it the Andromeda Strain for all the carefully cultivated and deliberately fanned panic its advent has occasioned.
Viruses Mutate?
Here’s a biology lesson. Viruses mutate. They can’t help it. It’s in their nature. Perhaps the so-called Delta variant is “more communicable.” So what? It is also markedly less deadly.
But What about the Surge in People “Testing” Positive?
Again, so what? ‘Testing positive’ signifies — nothing. It really is a tale told by an idiot, many idiots.
What if the people who run our lives, who bark at you on public transport to put on a face-diaper, who pontificate from state capitals about who can eat in restaurants, go to the theater, travel on airplanes — what if they started testing for your ordinary run-of-the-mill coronaviruses, the ones that are responsible for the common cold? Want to bet that there would be an awful lot of positives?
A couple of days ago, the White House (how long before they change the insulting name of that edifice) announced that because of the ‘Delta variant’ they would not be lifting travel restrictions ‘at this point’. They hope, of course, that they can maintain, and perhaps stiffen, the restriction indefinitely, maybe forever. After all, as the White House press secretary (Jen Psaki) demanded a week or two back, ‘Why do you need to have that information?’
Essentially Essential
For the time being, then, the US will continue to restrict “non-essential travel for non-US citizens from several countries around the world, including from the United Kingdom, the European Union, Brazil, South Africa, China.”
What about “Travelers” on Our Southern Border?
Is it essential that tens of thousands of aliens be allowed to pour over our southern border, to be transported free and for nothing all across the fruited plain to suck up any unclaimed welfare benefits, while possibly infecting the locals with COVID? I merely ask.
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