You may be terrified or just simply shocked. Your personal concern for your family’s security and wellbeing has to be a function of how much time you have put into reading about the vulnerability of America’s citizens. Quite honestly, I have found few who have the remotest idea about personal security and vulnerability. Our country is not prepared to deal with the long-range damage caused, for example, by an EMP attack or by a solar flare. Critical systems could be out for many months. I analyze the critical timeline for such an event to kick in is on day number one, never mind many months. Those not prepared before such a potential crisis will have zero chance to make up lost ground.
For most, the bad news is too grizzly to comprehend. America has become an increasingly urban, consumer-based society driven by technology. It is exactly this threesome that has led to our mass vulnerability. Americans no longer live on self-sufficient, low-tech farms or ranches. Debbie and I recently revisited Monticello, home base for Thomas Jefferson. Talk about doing things right. How is it that a man from the 1800s could be better positioned than most 21st century Americans? Knock out the electric power that drives today’s technology, and the big city apparatus grinds to a complete halt in a flash. Millions of citizens become instantly vulnerable with no idea what to do next or even how to begin. Sound like a problem to you?
The easy and comfortable approach is to brush off my analysis and concerns and go on about your merry way. But wait a minute. How far along with your daily activities will you get with no elevator, car, or running water? For openers, give such a triad a mental rundown. Each of these three daily necessities would come off the books in a heartbeat, not to return for perhaps an extended period. And the more of a target city you live in, the greater the potential risk, chaos and carnage. OK then, if I have your attention here, how do you get going without rocking the boat too much? You can make a lot of progress fast if you are so inclined.
To get off on the right foot, click to my updated Liberty & Freedom map, and spend a few minutes going over it. I have put a lot of time into the L&F map as a way to help you get started with an all-in-one resource. The most vulnerable among you live in a big city, blue state lacking castle doctrine status. Over two decades ago, Debbie and I relocated to a point as far away as we could possibly get from such a position. My strongest advice for you, if you are a qualifier, is to discuss with your family the positive ramifications of relocation. Check on my L&F map for the right to work/castle doctrine red states and, even better, those states with zero state income tax. States like my home state of Florida receive my highest approval rating.
If cold weather is right up your alley, you will be looking at the Jackson Hole area of Wyoming and the Black Hills country in South Dakota. Debbie and I have ridden our Harleys extensively through both areas, and, if your fam is up for long winters unlike our blood-thinned selves, you will be off to a great start. A little family vacation to both would make a lot of sense, don’t you think? Both could be done on a single quick trip. And oh yes, do not roll in to either any time close to the Sturgis (S.D.) Harley event. We have been in Sturgis for bike week twice and had a lot of fun with our big gang and the hogs, but I am pretty certain that you and the fam would be a little less enamored.
Great, you have made some progress fast. I will have a lot more personal security intelligence for you in upcoming chapters, so check in regularly at to continue your progress on family personal security. And remember here, Debbie and I have first-hand experience in what I write about. I also am candid in what we are lacking in specific areas, most of which we hope to improve upon.
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