If you were the person in charge of this nation would you do any of the following?
1) While corporate profits are sinking (causing companies to be less likely to create future jobs), would you raise corporate taxes like Obama wants to do, or cut them as I would do?
2) Would you reduce or limit the tax deduction for home mortgage interest (when home prices have collapsed) like Obama wants to do, or allow everyone the normal tax break on mortgage-interest as I would do?
3) Would you increase taxes to pay for social programs yet, at the same time, limit the tax break on charitable contributions like Obama wants to do, or would you still allow those big contributors to have the tax break they have always received?
4) Would you appoint a Secretary of the Treasury who had been in charge of the New York Federal Reserve (whose job it was to oversee Wall Street investment and commercial banks as well as insurance companies like AIG)?
5) Would you and your Secretary of the Treasury go on public television several times per week if almost every time you did so the stock market collapsed immediately following your speeches and interviews? Would you not realize the stock market is the best leading economic indicator in addition to being a major determinant of the folks’ standard of living during retirement?
6) Would you publicly declare that the “wealthy” can afford to pay for all the government spending increases when those same people (the ones who build plants, create jobs and provide the biggest support to charity) already have lost a far greater percentage of their personal savings than has the average worker?
7) Would you give a tax “refund” to people who don’t pay any income taxes whatsoever or do you believe that every American should pay some income tax for the privilege of living under the Government’s protection “of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”?