On his blog, Pat Buchanan asks “Is there no limit to the racial, religious, ideological, political, cultural and ethnic diversity the nation can accommodate before it splinters into its component parts?” He writes (abridged):
In March, and again in April, 167,000 immigrants were caught crossing our southern border illegally.
The invaders are now coming not only from Central and South America but also from Africa, the Islamic world and the largest and most populous continent, Asia. And their destiny may be to replace us.
For as the endless invasion proceeds, native-born Americans have ceased to reproduce themselves. Not since the birth dearth of the Great Depression and WWII, when the Silent Generation was born, has the U.S. population experienced such a birth decline as today.
At the same time, a war of all against all in America seems to raise the question, to which recitation of the cliche — “Our diversity is our greatest strength” — no longer seems an adequate response:
Is there no limit to the racial, religious, ideological, political, cultural and ethnic diversity the nation can accommodate before it splinters into its component parts?
In professions of religious belief, atheists, agnostics and secularists have become our largest “congregation,” followed by Catholics and Protestants, both of which are in numerical decline.
Diversity of faiths leads to irreconcilable, clashing opinions about morality on the most divisive social issues of our era: abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, etc.
Racial diversity, too, is bringing back problems unseen since the 1960s.
America was almost 90% white in 1960, but that figure is down to 60% and falling. In 25 years, we will all belong to racial minorities.
Are we Americans still united in our love of country?
Do we still take pride in what we have done for our own people and what America has done for the world in the 400 years since Jamestown?
Pat Buchanan
Read more here.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Right Track.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is fighting back against the overreach of the globalists running the EU and America today. He succinctly explains his position to the Croatian Catholic weekly Glas Koncila, saying “The Westerners have chosen to live in a post-national and post-Christian world, and we respect that. But they want even more. They want us to live that way too.” Srdja Trifkovic reports on the interview in Chronicles, writing:
(This article is a translation of an original interview by Branimir Stanić and Ivan Tašev)
Earlier this month Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán—long maligned by the Brussels machine as an authoritarian reactionary inside the ever-so-progressive European Union—gave an interview to the Croatian Catholic weekly Glas Koncila (The Voice of the Council, 20 June 2021). Orbán made several important points in the course of this interview: on the civilizational challenges currently facing Europe (including immigration), on national sovereignty challenged by Brussels, and on the nature of politics in the 21st century.
No politician in such a position of authority in any EU member country has had the vision and the courage to talk and act like the Hungarian prime minister.
[Excerpts translated from Croatian by S. Trifkovic]
Our fundamental position on the issue of immigration is that it is an ontologically bad thing.
It is bad if one cannot stay and live in his country, find his personal happiness and vocation there, and if he has to leave it, especially under duress.
After the Communist era we made many mistakes. By the time we noticed what was actually going on, we had lost control over key national resources – the energy system, the banking sector, the media – all of which passed into the hands of foreigners, and not on the basis of some rational plan, it was simply taken away from us. I’ve been working for 10 years to get back what we should not have wasted.….
The Westerners have chosen to live in a post-national and post-Christian world, and we respect that. But they want even more. They want us to live that way too. For this reason, if any spirituality emerges in regional cooperation that includes the protection of national Christian cultures, ideological attacks immediately follow – a left-liberal attack that stems from Brussels but which is linked to American liberal and economic powers. They don’t want us to be free, they want us to be free only in the way they would like us to be.…
We Central Europeans are in favor of preserving our nation-states because we believe that democracy can only be achieved within national frameworks.
Western Europe, on the other hand, wants an empire based in Brussels. This is our key difference with Europe.
Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, Foreign Affairs Editor of Chronicles, is the author of The Sword of the Prophet and Defeating Jihad.
Read more here.
Liberty & Freedom in America
Dick Young’s Liberty & Freedom Map is the one-stop solution to choosing the right destination for your personal and financial safety. States with low taxes, the right to work, and strong protections for your Second Amendment rights headed by politicians with strong NRA grades are inherently better for you, your family, and your business. Nearly 1,000 people move from Blue States to Red States each day. They’re looking for opportunity beyond the borders of the progressive, oppressive, havens of high taxation and gun confiscation. Businesses are setting up shop in havens of worker freedom like South Carolina and Texas, where no one is forced to join a union to get a job.
Below you can see my Liberty & Freedom map. The red states are those Trump won, with the blue states representing those Biden won.
Explore the Liberty & Freedom Map, and find your place in America today!
Click on each state for more info. – Updated 4-07-21
National Unemployment Rate: 6.0% – April 2021
Voted Trump |
Voted Biden |
Alabama |
Arizona |
Total: 25 | Total: 25 |
New England Congressional Districts:
Connecticut: District 1 Biden 229,220 Trump 127,803 District 2 Biden 205,779 Trump 164,461 District 3 Biden 212,317 Trump 137,580 District 4 Biden 237,245 Trump 127,566 District 5 Biden 196,119 Trump 157,881 Massachusetts: District 1 Biden 224,939 Trump 135,655 District 2 Biden 240,547 Trump 140,377 District 3 Biden 243,303 Trump 132,757 District 4 Biden 276,820 Trump 144,654 District 5 Biden 304,072 Trump 97,562 District 6 Biden 279,782 Trump 276,091 District 7 Biden 276,091 Trump 43,074 District 8 Biden 283,426 Trump 137,738 District 9 Biden 253,222 Trump 176,133 Maine: District 1 Biden 266,376 Trump 164,045 District 2 Trump 196,692 Biden 168,696 |
Rhode Island: District 1 Biden 154,430 Trump 83,607 District 2 Biden 153,056 Trump 116,315 New Hampshire: District 1 Biden 213,662 Trump 188,999 District 2 Biden 211,259 Trump 176,655 Vermont: At Large (AL): Biden 242,820 Trump 112,704 |
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