The National Interest tells readers the Sessions appointment could be a historic appointment moving away from a PC straight judicial jacket.
Jeff Sessions has compiled a record that suggests he will be a decisive and constructive leader of the Justice Department. Sessions is potentially a historic appointment, sending encouragement to law enforcement agencies not to allow political correctness to become a straitjacket on the performance of their essential duties.
Trump has also selected Reince Preibus, the former head of the Republican National Committee, to serve as his White House chief of staff and Stephen K. Bannon, the former head of Breitbart News, as a senior adviser. It represents a strategy reminiscent of Ronald Reagan appointing James Baker, on the one hand, and Edwin Meese, on the other, with each channeling different parts of the GOP.
For his foreign policy team, Trump has selected Lt. General (Ret.) Michael T. Flynn. Flynn, a Democrat who ran the Defense Intelligence Agency from 2012 to 2014
Finally, Trump has appointed Mike Pompeo, a Republican hawk and Congressman from Kansas, to head the CIA. Pompeo is a member of the House Intelligence Committee. He has opposed the Iran deal, writing in July 2016 that the United States should “walk away from this deal.
Here are my grades:
The Sessions appointment—A
The Preibus and Bannon team also rates an “A.” Trump was going to get nowhere with Congress without a steadying inside hand like Preibus in place. A nice contrary opinion selection. Bannon is a hardball player in line with Trump’s instincts.
Mike Pompeo has done a good job in Congress but seems to be a war hawk. Pompeo may appeal to Trump’s most dangerous intervention instincts. A “D” on the Trump foreign policy team is cause for deep concern. Americans most definitely did not put Trump in the White House to continue an interventionist war footing, especially as concerns the radical Muslim world.
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