No, Joe, the U.S. is not the worst country on Coronavirus. Joe Biden’s acceptance speech was well delivered, admits David Harsanyi in NRO, but it was packed with “whoppers.”
Some Coronavirus Facts:
- A number of nations have experienced higherfatality rates than the United States, including Belgium, Britain, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Chile, and Brazil. (Each of which, incidentally, has some form of government-run health care.)
- Some eveloping nations probably don’t have an accurate count of death totals and authoritarian nations like China — whose mendacity helped unleashed the virus on the world —are almost surely lying. Then there are still-mysterious reasons for why some nations experience lower fatality rates despite high numbers of infections.
- The U.S. is not a dictatorship with a pliable population willing to lock down society forever or shut down elections — as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern recently didin New Zealand; a nation so admired by liberals in this country.
- Many of countries that the media was praising are seeing new spikes. It’s clear that there is no escaping this thing. It’s well within reason for Democrats to be critical of Trump’s handling of certain aspects of the response, but this notion that Democrats would have been able repel the virus just like Ebola, is a fantasy.
Biden Will Rescue the Economy?
Democrats for four days hit Donald Trump for not only failing to stop coronavirus and but also for stopping the economic fallout from state lockdowns, continues Mr. Harsanyi.
Biden hasn’t explained how Democrats would have rescued the economy and stopped COVID, much less offered any specifics on how he plans on stopping more cases moving forward — other than arguing for a national mask mandate, which he has no power to decree or enforce.
Indeed, Democrats have spent four days hammering Republicans for the ferociousness of the COVID outbreak when, in fact, the only states that failed to flatten the curve are liberal strongholds in Northeast.