The World Economic Forum, the originator of the Great Reset, has developed a record of complete failure leading to destruction and catastrophe across the globe. Tucker Carson explains the organization’s record of failure.
During his monologue, Carlson takes time to call out John Kerry, the Biden administration’s Climate Czar. Learn more about him in my series The Great Reset: Meet the Climate Czar and His War.
Twitter CEO Elon Musk took time to use a poll to ask Twitter users “The World Economic Forum should control the world,” to which Twitter users could answer “Yes,” or “No.” Fox News reports on the responses:
As of this writing, the poll has 1,802,311 votes, with 85.5% of respondents voting “no”.
Musk’s poll drew reaction from conservatives on Twitter. Tim Young, a comedian and writer, wrote “HELL NO.”
“I wouldn’t even trust the World Economic Forum to run a bake sale!” Matt Wallace, a conservative influencer, tweeted.
Viva Frei, an independent journalist, tweeted “This is a silly poll question. I would be more curious to know whether or not people support the prohibition of politicians having any affiliation whatsoever with the WEF while in office.”
Mario Fratto, a former U.S. House candidate, tweeted “They should be shut down.”
T.J. Moe, a contributor on The Blaze, tweeted “‘You will own nothing and you will be happy’ says the group of millionaires and billionaires who flew there on their private jets.”
“Yeah…. but who else is going to fly on private jets to private parties with prostitutes’ shipped in to lecture us about how bad we are while making up laws to destroy our freedom and prosperity while not following the laws themselves!!! Very selfish of you @elonmusk!!!” Luke Rudkowski, a Youtuber, tweeted.
Perhaps the scariest part is that 14.5% of respondents answered yes.
Action Line: Don’t live a life controlled by the World Economic Forum. Build yourself a life of liberty. If you need help, click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter, and we’ll build that life together.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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