In Helena-The Nationalist Voice, Helena explains how Lyndon Johnson and his Great Reset destroyed the American middle class. Helena writes:
THE GREAT SOCIETY – before the Great RESET – was created by Lyndon Johnson after the assassination of John F Kennedy who wouldn’t bow to the CIA. The Corporation For Public Broadcasting was created in 1967 to control the entirety of Media for Americans. In 1970 CPB formed NPR with 88 subsidiary outlets. Their purpose was ‘content’. In 1979, NPR expanded to London solidifying the alliance between the CIA and MI6. By 1983, NPR was operating on a budget deficit despite continued expanded funding from US Taxpayers.
The two largest benefactors of NPR in the 2000’s were Soros Open Society Foundation and Joan Croc who donated $225 million in 2003. At this point NPR became well known as a left leaning to far left broadcaster embroiled in bias. And the Great Society Deal which was supposed to be a reincarnation of FDR’s New Deal was busily recreating America’s internal political landscape.
A transition that would forever change our landscape. Likely – irreversibly.
Both the House and the Senate enjoyed a liberal majority which included the jewish vote which had become a prominent constituent. Johnson took advantage of every loop, corner, and free crossing to enact 100’s of ‘committees’ and ‘agencies’ to study every aspect of society in order to recreate it. Committees and Agencies that did little, accomplished less, and ate money like 1000 PacMen on steroids.
The Great Society initiatives and Johnson’s Cabinet set about to expand government exponentially – creating federal funding for Education, Medicaid, War on Poverty, The Voting Rights Act, Food Stamps, Upward Bound, Medicare, Head Start, HUD, Endowments, Department of Transportation, and a host environmental laws. EVERYTHING was highly regulated and all businesses were required to comply with Federal rules or face the proverbial guillotine.
State Sovereignty no longer existed and the Feds kept expanding their control and irreversible POWER.
While various statistics claim poverty rates in 1960 were 22%, there was no common means of measuring poverty until 1965. At which point it had been declared by the government to be 9% for whites and 35% among nonwhites – 15% weighted average – before the Great Society took effect. The New Federal Government decided to ignore that fact and declared that poverty had been halved because 55% of households now had incomes over $7000. Of course Taxpayers were funding $4,000 of that increase in the form of entitlements and welfare. Thus the statistic is wholly and completely fabricated.
What Johnson succeeded in creating was a ‘well to do welfare class’.
It was the beginning of income redistribution and the decline of middle class.
Read more here.
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