Sound good to you? Of course not. And Hillary Clinton spells doomsday for your 2nd Amendment rights, There is zero question about that. Our 2nd Amendment rights will be gone. You and your family will naked in the street.
Writing at The American Conservative, Gracy Olmstead looks at the Supreme Court issue.
“It’s the Supreme Court, stupid.”
That’s the actual headline of a piece in the Washington Examiner by Hugh Hewitt. He writes,
“If Hillary Clinton wins, the Left gavels in a solid, lasting, almost certainly permanent majority on the Supreme Court. Every political issue has a theoretical path to SCOTUS, and only self-imposed judicial restraint has checked the Court’s appetite and reach for two centuries.”
That restraint will be gone when HRC’s first appointee is sworn in. Finished.
This is not hyperbole. I have the advantage of having taught Con Law for 20 years, of having argued before very liberal appellate judges like Judge Stephen Reinhardt of the very liberal Ninth Circuit, of practicing with the best litigators in the land, and I know what a very liberal SCOTUS means: conservatism is done. It cannot survive a strong-willed liberal majority on the Supreme Court. Every issue, EVERY issue, will end up there, and the legislatures’ judgments will matter not a bit.
Trump: Hillary Clinton ‘wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment’
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