In a recent conversation with a gun store owner, he told me his customers are about 50-50, Dems-Republicans. He said his Democrat customers love their guns just as much as the Republican ones.
So you see the difference between Washington D.C. and your local gun shop. On one hand is the platform of the Pelosi Democrats, vs your friends at the range. Democrats and Republicans can both support the 2nd Amendment.
But when it comes to the Democrat leadership in Washington, it’s anti-guns. They don’t trust you. It’s all about big brother knowing best. Darren Lasorte writing in America’s 1st Freedom hits the nail on the head.
As a long-time lobbyist for the NRA, I would often be asked by travelers seated next to me on a plane or fellow beer connoisseurs at a local pub why the NRA supports more Republicans than Democrats. The answer waseasy. I would simply refer the curious person to the two very different official party platforms available on their respective websites.
One reflects trust in the individual citizen and an appreciation for the fact that America has been the freest land in the world for more than two centuries largely because of our cherished individual right to arms. The other unabashedly expresses distrust in the citizenry and would like nothing more than to see this right abruptly extinguished. In other words, as a rule, the Republicans support gun rights and the Democrats vigorously oppose them.
Read more here.