Kaput, finito, done. President Barack Obama will be a one-term, or less, president. Why? The only thing he has succeeded in during his one-year presidency is winnowing his base down to hard-line progressives and a brain-dead handout crowd. By example, does anyone think Harry Reid is an Obama enthusiast? How about the Blue Dogs? On board with Obama? I think not. Let me be firm here: if you are a Democrat in a red state, your goose is a-cookin’.
Consider the facts. President Obama goes to Europe to secure the Olympics for Chicago. Al Capone could have done better. The president gets behind an abject loser for governor of Virginia, who then gets pulverized. Next it’s off to New Jersey, a rock-solid Democratic stronghold. The entrenched Democrat incumbent is a Goldman Sachs senior veteran and a billionaire to boot. His opponent is a tubby white guy of no special significance. This should have been an easy victory for the president’s team. And who wins? The tubby white guy. President Obama is 0 for 3. In baseball, he’d be out.
But the president gets a fourth strike. On a stage in Boston, he announces his support of a pleasant if somewhat delusional lady with a nice statewide reputation. The Republican competition is a truck-driving state senator from a town no one outside of eastern Massachusetts has ever heard of. The fellow runs on his own with only the most indifferent nod to the weak one-cylinder Massachusetts Republican machine. And who wins? Why, the truck-driving state senator. It is, in the end, not about the truck or the nice lady? Nope. It’s about President Obama. The folk have caught on, and they don’t like what they’ve got. They don’t want Obama.
So it’s now 0 for 4 for the president. Next stop, the State of the Union address. Time for a home run, or at least a triple. No and no. Notwithstanding the nonsense in the polls or the BS from the networks, the State of the Progressive Party speech was a nose-holding stinker-a self-serving diatribe, loaded with I, I, I, and running longer than a Michener novel. The speech laid out an economic plan that Pee-wee Herman could have improved upon. And let’s not forget the beastly tooling of the Supreme Court.
Oh phooey, the president is now 0 for 5. And that’s before counting the raft of miscues, missteps, and outright disasters: everything from the Afghan strategy, to Geithner, Holder, and the Obama rogues’ gallery of czars. (Is there any way we can dump this group?)
You may think that I’m not being fair, or that this is not an objective analysis. Of course it is. Look-I’m not a partisan Republican. I’m not even a Republican. I was hard on George Bush primarily because of the botched effort to kill Osama bin Laden, the Iraq war in total, No Child Left Behind, the Medicare fiasco, and Mr. Bush’s destruction of what was left of the Republican brand. President Obama has brutalized the Democratic brand in the same way.
The Democrats have awakened to the fact that they have been hoodwinked. They have been had. President Obama is the front man for the Radical Progressive Movement, masquerading as a Democrat. President Bush was, in the end, a neocon-brainwashed activist and a far cry from a Jeffersonian or Reagan Republican. If you have read Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, Cass Sunstein’s The Second Bill of Rights, and Robert Creamer’s Stand Up Straight, you must be A) horrified and B) darn sure I have been both correct and objective. If you haven’t read the books, borrow them. Don’t buy them. I’m not going to let you vote if you have not read all three because there is simply no way you could understand the depth of the problem we have here in America without such comprehensive study.
President Obama will go down in history as the guy who single-handedly lost Ted Kennedy’s seat. Nice legacy, huh? The Liberal Lion’s seat was simply not losable, and to a truck-driving state senator yet? And no, I’m not for one second demeaning the first-rate campaign of an on-the-money guy like Scott Brown. As noted, I’m not a Republican, and I live about as far away from Massachusetts as one can live. I live but 90 miles from Cuba, on an eclectic island, yet I gave the max an individual can give to an election, the first such contribution I have ever made. A third party cannot win an election, only lose an election for someone else. In 2012, a conservative candidate will have to run under the Republican banner against the Democratic candidate (which could perhaps be Secretary Clinton and not President Obama if things continue the way they are going).
In order for a Republican-banner candidate to win the nomination, that candidate will have to sign on to a point-by-point conservative agenda featuring strong originalist support for our Constitution, small government, a dumping of the tax code, an overhaul of our legal system, and a scaling down (not weakening) of our outdated military apparatus by the closure of a plethora of bases both foreign and domestic. Also, we must restart the F-22 program, and seal off the Mexican border sealed off by troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. The country’s anti-missile and anti-EMP attack programs should be ramped up, along with the drone program. Special Forces should be given every dime needed to succeed in their mission. A conservative candidate should also guarantee fellow concerned Americans that he or she would have a detailed discussion with America’s #1 terrorism guy, New York police commissioner Ray Kelly, prior to hitting the campaign trail, as well as with Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh-two guys any conservative candidate must have on board before deciding to run
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