Progressive/liberals, like Vermont’s chief out-of-touch fruit loop Bernie Sanders, whine about income inequality till the cows come home. Sorry “Mr. Vermont,” the cows, thanks to your state’s mismanagement, no longer come home from a day outside. They are now confined inside all day in industrial farm prisons and stuffed with corn. Cows, by the way, Senator Bernie, cannot digest corn.
Income inequality is best represented by four progressive/liberal states, Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts and New York as well as the government dominated District of Columbia, each with the greatest income inequality imbalance among all 50 states.
In a capitalist society, income inequality is total folly. Innovators, risk takers and uber-hard workers make the money they deserve. Slackers, hand-out seekers, and the uneducated pick up the crumbs, as should be the case. This outline is never going to change, Senator Bernie’s yapping to the contrary.
Americans are fast fleeing progressive/liberal blue states and relocating to tax and regulation friendly red states, where financial opportunity and family safety are considered paramount. Progressives will never get the picture and should, once and for all, be thrown out of every state house in America.
Here is how things look according to information from the Economic Policy Institute:
- To be in the top 1 percent nationally, a family needs an income of $389,436. Twelve states, 109 metro areas, and 339 counties have thresholds above that level.
- For states ,the highest thresholds are in Connecticut ($659,979), the District of Columbia ($554,719), New Jersey ($547,737), Massachusetts ($539,055), and New York ($517,557) .
Read more here.
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