Robert W. Merry says Trump is beginning to look more like a phony after bombing Syria when there was clearly no imminent threat to U.S. interests. After Trump campaigned on a reduced role for American military power, it’s not hard to see his point. Merry concludes that this one event might not encapsulate a total Trump-doctrine, but that it surely isn’t favorable. He writes at The American Conservative:
It may be too early to tell for sure, but Donald Trump is looking more and more like a phony. He’s also looking like a weakling. And a political ingrate. All this is coming into stark relief with accelerating events involving Syria. The United States launched dozens of missiles against Syrian military installations to retaliate for the chemical attack on rebel-held territory. Thus did Trump demonstrate that, to the extent that his foreign policy differs from that of his predecessor, it is more aggressive and adventuresome than Obama’s. That’s the opposite of how he campaigned….
The Syrian drama has yet to play out completely, and so perhaps this episode won’t be quite the window on the Donald that it seems at these musings. But the signs don’t look favorable on this particular matter, as they also don’t on many others.
Read more here.
FLASHBACK VIDEO: Donald Trump delivers speech on foreign policy plans
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