At, Paul Craig Roberts suggests that Joe Biden is taking orders on Russian relations from the Deep State, including Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland. He writes:
The United States is ruled by monied interest groups, the deep state, and lies. The lies affect all, not only the people but also the deep state and monied interests pulling the politicians’ strings. Consequently, the United States cannot have any sensible policy, domestic or foreign.
The domestic policy is to demonize the majority white population as “racists” and “domestic terrorists.” The foreign policy is the use of threats and coercion to create the maximum number of enemies for the sake of the military/security complex’s budget and power.
The American propaganda ministry is so successful that the deep state believes its own lies. Here is Anne Applebaum playing deep state music for patriotic ears in The Atlantic.
“Alarm bells are ringing,” asserts the presstitute Applebaum, “because of the public behavior of Russian diplomats and officials, including President Vladimir Putin, who have spent the past couple of weeks accusing the United States and its allies of nonexistent aggression.” For Applebaum, it is not aggression for the US to overthrow a democratically elected Ukraine government living at peace with Russia, to arm the nazified replacement government put in office by Washington, and make the Washington-created enemy of Russia a NATO member so that the US can have nuclear missiles on Russia’s border.
Roberts explains later that if Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov (Russia’s Foreign Minister) feel that the U.S. negotiations are disingenuous, it could lead to war, writing:
If Putin and the Kremlin, despite the pro-Western Atlanticist Integrationists in the Russian media, Russian universities, and government itself, see through the ruse, they will conclude that Washington’s intent is to worsen Russian security concerns.
If Putin and Lavrov conclude that negotiation is useless when dealing with the West, there is the possibly that the Kremlin will turn to its superiority in force and the US bases in Ukraine, Poland, and Romania could be at risk.
If Israel can take out installations in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon that Israel finds threatening, Russia can take out installations in Ukraine, Romania, and Poland–and anywhere else–that Russia considers threatening. Russians have as much right to security as Israelis.
Applebaum’s article indicates that the US military/security complex has a hard and unrealistic attitude toward Russia’s security concern. If diplomacy fails, force emerges.
Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House.
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