Your Survival Guy’s summer party 2021 was this weekend in Newport, RI. This was our first gathering of extended family in 19-months, a long time, especially when kids are involved. As any parent knows, months are like years, and for adults, years are like months.
We need to cherish our time together.
My favorite takeaway from the party was how much fun the little kids and the big kids had playing sports together. It was as if they just saw each other last weekend and were picking up from where they left off. That’s the beauty of kids. And it was just as much fun for the adults watching. It was a special day just being together enjoying a nice afternoon. I missed that.
Now, on to the craziness in Newport, RI, this summer. At one of the more difficult intersections, where crossing a one-way boulevard can be challenging even for locals, one out-of-towner thought it would be easier to just turn left into oncoming traffic. You could hear the honking from near and far.
OK, you’ve heard the horror stories about restaurant guests being rude to servers. Not cool. But on the flip side, I hear from servers telling me that a lot of guests are thanking them for being there on their shift. Thank you’s are going a long way this summer.
What to get at the fish market? Well, if you like seafood, I think the value play right now is little necks. We had them last night over linguine with a white wine sauce and cod. Prices, by the way, for cod and lobsters are through the roof.
Littlenecks on the half shell are also a winner. I like mine with just lemon or a little bit of cocktail sauce and Tabasco. That’s the taste of summer.
Another good value play is Prosecco to wash it all down and to enjoy with your strawberry shortcake, fresh strawberries, and homemade whipped cream.
Action Line: Don’t let summer get away from you. Labor Day’s right around the corner. Enjoy it while you can.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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