Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is fighting back against the overreach of the globalists running the EU and America today. He succinctly explains his position to the Croatian Catholic weekly Glas Koncila, saying “The Westerners have chosen to live in a post-national and post-Christian world, and we respect that. But they want even more. They want us to live that way too.” Srdja Trifkovic reports on the interview in Chronicles, writing:
(This article is a translation of an original interview by Branimir Stanić and Ivan Tašev)
Earlier this month Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán—long maligned by the Brussels machine as an authoritarian reactionary inside the ever-so-progressive European Union—gave an interview to the Croatian Catholic weekly Glas Koncila (The Voice of the Council, 20 June 2021). Orbán made several important points in the course of this interview: on the civilizational challenges currently facing Europe (including immigration), on national sovereignty challenged by Brussels, and on the nature of politics in the 21st century.
No politician in such a position of authority in any EU member country has had the vision and the courage to talk and act like the Hungarian prime minister.
[Excerpts translated from Croatian by S. Trifkovic]
Our fundamental position on the issue of immigration is that it is an ontologically bad thing.
It is bad if one cannot stay and live in his country, find his personal happiness and vocation there, and if he has to leave it, especially under duress.
After the Communist era we made many mistakes. By the time we noticed what was actually going on, we had lost control over key national resources – the energy system, the banking sector, the media – all of which passed into the hands of foreigners, and not on the basis of some rational plan, it was simply taken away from us. I’ve been working for 10 years to get back what we should not have wasted.….
The Westerners have chosen to live in a post-national and post-Christian world, and we respect that. But they want even more. They want us to live that way too. For this reason, if any spirituality emerges in regional cooperation that includes the protection of national Christian cultures, ideological attacks immediately follow – a left-liberal attack that stems from Brussels but which is linked to American liberal and economic powers. They don’t want us to be free, they want us to be free only in the way they would like us to be.…
We Central Europeans are in favor of preserving our nation-states because we believe that democracy can only be achieved within national frameworks.
Western Europe, on the other hand, wants an empire based in Brussels. This is our key difference with Europe.
Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, Foreign Affairs Editor of Chronicles, is the author of The Sword of the Prophet and Defeating Jihad.
Read more here.
I Support Hungarian Hardline Nationalist Premier Viktor Orban
Originally posted on March 31, 2020.
New powers given to the Hungarian Premier by the nation’s parliament are supported by 72% of Hungarians, and by me. Orban’s new powers allow him to combat coronavirus in the country, and to protect his people. AFP reports:
Hungary’s parliament endorsed a bill on Monday giving nationalist premier Viktor Orban sweeping new powers he says he needs to fight the new coronavirus pandemic.
Critics at home and abroad have condemned the “anti-coronavirus defence law”, saying it gives Orban unnecessary and unlimited power in a ruse to cement his leadership rather than battle the virus.
After declaring a state of emergency on March 11, the new bill will give Orban the power to largely rule by decree indefinitely until the government decides the pandemic crisis is over.
The bill removes the current requirement for MPs to approve any extension to time limits on the decrees.
It also introduces jail terms of up to five years for anyone spreading “falsehoods” about the virus or the measures against it, stoking new worries for press freedom.
It was passed by 137 votes to 53 by parliament’s lower chamber, where Orban’s Fidesz party has a two-thirds majority.
Since taking power in 2010, the self-styled “illiberal” nationalist has transformed Hungary’s political, judicial and constitutional landscape.
The 56-year-old has frequently clashed with European institutions, NGOs and rights groups with Brussels suing Hungary for “breaching” EU values — charges fiercely denied by Budapest.
Orban has given criticism of the coronavirus law short shrift, accusing critics of alarmism and appealing to “European nit-pickers” to let Hungary defend itself against COVID-19.
– ‘Imaginary demons’ –
“If they can’t help, then at least don’t stop the Hungarians from defending (against the virus),” he said Friday.
His justice minister, Judit Varga, told foreign reporters Friday that parliament could revoke the decrees at any time, and that the opposition were “fighting imaginary demons and not dealing with reality”.
She also said decrees could be sent to the constitutional court for review.
A government spokesperson Zoltan Kovacs insisted on Twitter Monday that the bill is time limited by the parliament’s powers of revoke, and by the pandemic itself which “hopefully ends one day”.
He added that “72 per cent of Hungarians support this measure”, referring to a recent poll about the provision on spreading falsehoods.
V4 Stands Against North African and Middle Eastern Invasion
Originally posted on September 17, 2019.
Writing at the Defend Europa blog, American ex-pat writing under the name Kasper, explains the Visegrad nations’ decision to “take action against the sustained North African and Middle Eastern migrant invasion of Europe.” As a result, notes Kasper, “Islamic terrorism is basically non-existent in these countries.” He writes (abridged):
Czechia, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia (The Visegrád Countries or V4) have long been part of a single civilisation sharing cultural and intellectual values and common roots in religious traditions, which they have continuously strived to strengthen and preserve. These countries are some of the only nations on the continent who’ve remained steadfast in their desire to hold on to their native Christian, European identities.
The current leader of the Visegrád group and current Prime minister of Hungary, Victor Orbán, has been a key figure opposing EU tyranny.
He dared to vocalise the thoughts of all thinking European’s when courageously said, “The question of the coming decade; will Europe belong to Europeans.”
Visegrád countries are bound together by the shared belief that Europe should first and foremost be for Europeans.
The Visegrád group nations encompass 65 million Europeans. Increasingly, the V4 is becoming the economic success stories of the European community. The economies of Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, and Hungary are all growing rapidly, and indeed are growing faster than any region in the world with the exception of the economies in the Asia Pacific.
Their growth is predominantly export-led and they are now becoming the go-to location for foreign direct investment in Europe.
Unlike its western European counterparts, security is one of the main priorities of the V4 governments. Islamic terrorism is basically non-existent in these countries. They’re the only European countries that have decided to take action against the sustained North African and Middle Eastern migrant invasion of Europe.
The Visegrád countries are providing an all-important alternative vision for Europe’s future that runs counter to that which has been thrusted upon the European people by unelected, pro-EU, globalist bureaucrats who sit in their ivory towers in Brussels.
Read more here.
Polish Philosopher Ryszard Legutko Deep Sixed at Middlebury
Originally posted on May 1, 2019.
Once bastions of first amendment freedom, universities have become tyrannical places of enforced conformity and repressed ideas. At The American Spectator, John Glynn explains the spinelessness of Middlebury College in Vermont. Famed Polish philosopher and politician, Ryszard Legutko was scheduled to speak at the college’s Alexander Hamilton Forum, but was canceled by the ravings of the tyrannical leftists who have seized control of Middlebury. Glynn writes (abridged):
Of all the colleges in the United States, perhaps Middlebury is the most spineless. On the 24th of April, Ryszard Legutko, a Polish philosopher and member of the European Parliament, was scheduled to speak at the invitation of Middlebury’s Alexander Hamilton Forum. Interestingly, the forum’s site states the following:
We seek to offer students an opportunity to think critically about the relevance of political and constitutional theory to a range of contemporary debates in American public life.
Essential to this mission is our aspiration to contribute to a culture of reasoned, civil discussion and debate across political and intellectual differences.
Clearly, these rules didn’t apply last Wednesday. Legutko, a renowned scholar of classical political philosophy, once served as both Minister of Education and Secretary of State in his home country of Poland. Somewhat ironically, Legutko planned to deliver a lecture on the subject of totalitarianism. Little did he know that his talk would be derailed by tantrum throwing tyrants.
Legutko, in their eyes, posed a credible threat. The lunatics are now running the asylum. The normally peaceful campus of Middlebury College, with its mountainous backdrop, once had a pristine reputation. Those days are long gone.
On college campuses across the land, the very notion of diversity appears to be a moral end in itself. Nevertheless, when a member of the “oppressive” majority comes to town, the doors of diversity are closed quicker than you can say ‘white man bad.’ In the world of social justice warriors, diversity of opinion is forbidden: opposition to the doctrines of social justice is never reasonable opinion, but malevolent “hate speech.” The extreme left’s idea of diversity is narrowly defined; it has only the slightest of connections with the actual definition of the word.
This shouldn’t surprise us. The wheels of madness have been in motion for quite some time.
In 2016, for example, students at the University of Pennsylvania removed a portrait of Shakespeare. Why? Because Willy Shakespeare is not sufficiently diverse. The disgruntled students replaced the portrait with another portrait of a black lesbian poet.
In this age of diversity, an increasing number of third level institutions have committed themselves to dogmatic, all too myopic ideologies.
Read more here.
Abigail Adams Institute Annual Lecture: The Demon in Democracy, Ryszard Legutko
Hungarian Hardliner Viktor Orban Shows European Globalists the Way
Originally posted on February 14, 2019.
In an address to the people of Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orban reminded its citizens that the success they have had recently has not occurred in a vacuum. His pro-Hungary policies and their hard work have made life in the country better. Despite constant harassment by Europe’s globalists who want Orban to bow down to their demands to allow in immigrants from the third world, the prime minister has no intention of changing his successful course. The Hungary Journal reports (abridged):
Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced a seven-point family protection action plan in his state-of-the nation address in Budapest.
The prime minister called the Hungarian opposition “a bunch of pro-immigration politicians who are kept on a respirator by George Soros and the EU bureaucrats”. Orban said “it is a kind of political pornography.
“Neither the third two-thirds majority, nor the outstanding economic growth were given to us as a present, Hungarians have worked hard for both,” he said, adding that politics and the economy are deeply related.
Orban noted that in 2009, towards the end of left-wing rule, “our shared assets, reserves and future possibilities had all been used up”. Hungary needed more than just crisis management, it needed a complete renewal, a new direction, he said.
Today, the number of marriages is increasing, infant mortality has been reduced, employment has grown from 55 percent to 70 percent, unemployment has been reduced to one-third of its earlier level, incomes are growing, and the minimum wage has more than doubled, he said.
Read more here.
Viktor Orbán’s “State of the Nation” address
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