As Paris burned, French President Macron abandoned the United Nations climate change summit hosted in Poland where signees were trying to iron out how they would reach their own emissions-reducing pledges.
More than 85% of electricity in Poland, by the way, is generated in coal-fired plants, writes David Harsanyi in The Federalist.
The United States, which exited the deal Obama entered without congressional approval, has already matched the carbon emission reductions of the European Union since 2005.
Most of it is attributable to increased natural gas use for electricity generation, not another giant gas tax or carbon scheme or any radical top-down technocracy that controls the lives of average men and women, purposefully stifles economic growth, and destroys wealth.
And as Mr. Harsanyi notes, we didn’t even have to riot to achieve this.
Read more here.
More than 12,000 arrested in unprecedented France riots
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