Harry Kazianis explains at Fox News that, if Democrats want to make the 2020 presidential election about national security, they’ve already lost to President Trump. He writes (abridged):
As if all 9 zillion 2020 Democratic presidential candidates don’t have enough problems – promising to take away your health care, free college for all, open borders – they now have a new line of attack against President Trump: criticizing his national security credentials.
From rebuilding our nation’s military, to increased economic sanctions to arming Ukraine and working to ensure NATO members put the money they need into their military budgets, Trump has ensured that Moscow knows America will not sit idle if they decide to launch another foolish cyber-attack on our election system or strike a sovereign nation and annex their territory. Quite simply, Trump is trying to deter Russia from making trouble before it starts – and that’s a smart strategy.
North Korea? Perhaps the greatest national security crisis of our time, thanks to President Obama and Joe Biden. Their policy of strategic patience – or what I like to call strategic appeasement – was nothing more than Team Obama avoiding a difficult problem, one with no easy solution that nearly every president before wanted to avoid or neglect. What that “strategic patience” got us was eight years of Pyongyang laying groundwork for deadly hydrogen bombs that can now be placed on long-range missiles that can hit the U.S. homeland.
Trump did not cower in the face of the challenge but took North Korea on even before he became president, calling them to task on Twitter. He then placed tough economic sanctions on the regime but also honored his campaign promise to talk to Chairman Kim Jong Un and open a dialogue to lower tensions.
Imagine if President Obama had done the same back in 2009 when he took office? Wasn’t it then-candidate Obama who said he would talk to our enemies? So, what happened?
Read more here.
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