President Donald J. Trump disembarks Marine One and applauds the crowd waiting to greet him as he arrives to Ashville Regional Airport Landing Zone in Ashville, N.C. Monday, Aug. 24, 2020, for his visit to Flavor First Growers and Packers in Mills River, N.C. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)
Now that’s how you do fireworks.
As “Trump 2020” lit up the Washington Monument last night after an excellent speech by the President, it was hard not to sit there in awe and think about the decision facing Americans in November.
It’s simple.
You have a fighter who will continue to build upon a career of building things vs. a 47-year career politician who hasn’t built a thing and sits in his basement while cities are looted and burned to the ground.
In Trump, you have an American can-do attitude that will Keep America Great vs. the cancel culture that will erase our past and welcome in socialism with open arms.
On Sunday, my family proudly participated in the Rhode Island Trump Boat parade. The cancel culture may cancel the Fourth of July parades on Main Street, but as you see here—we’ll figure out another way to gather and celebrate our great country.
Let’s go!
Other RNC Highlights:
Kristi Noem: Hard Working Americans Left to Fend for Themselves in Blue Cities
Governor Kristi Noem spoke last night at the Republican National Committee. She told viewers that President Trump was working for the common American against the elites who would seek to rule the country.
Noem listed ways in which Trump has worked to protect Americans’ constitutional rights, and has protected Americans from the mobs currently on the loose in blue cities.
President Trump is the only presidential candidate talking about restoring law and order in America’s cities. Democrats like Joe Biden won’t even acknowledge that terrorist groups like Antifa exist, let alone that they are threatening the livelihoods and freedoms of citizens across the country.
Noem and Trump support law and order. Meanwhile, at the Democratic National Convention last week, you didn’t hear a peep about the rampaging criminals on America’s streets.
The clear choice is law and order and keeping your family alive as violence spreads out and beyond the cities into suburbs.
As more Americans escape the city, BLM and Antifa mobs are moving out into the suburbs to terrorize them.
Don’t be a victim.
Action Line: Protect your family, protect your home. Get your gun and your training now.
What I’m seeing tonight is next level in Kinosha, these people are unhinged https://t.co/nNAG97oLkA
— ELIJAH RIOT (@ElijahSchaffer) August 25, 2020
BREAKING: Protesters in #Kenosha have marched into a residential neighborhood and are really making their presence felt pic.twitter.com/WveGpc40c6
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) August 27, 2020
1) In a scene that played out several times Monday, a Black Lives Matter protest that began in Columbia Heights confronted White diners outside D.C. restaurants, chanting “White silence is violence!” and demanding White diners show their solidarity. #DCProtests pic.twitter.com/fJbPM76vb0
— Fredrick Kunkle WaPo (@KunkleFredrick) August 25, 2020
#PortlandRiots: Antifa set another stolen mattress on fire in a residential part of SE Portland. pic.twitter.com/Nww5V3q944
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 23, 2020
Large antifa mob marching in the streets of residential areas in Portland tonight. The roads are shut down again. #PortlandRiots #antifa pic.twitter.com/JoEYP1mOJv
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 22, 2020
Nicholas Sandmann: The Simple Act of Putting on a Red Hat
You may have heard of Nicholas Sandmann, a young boy from Kentucky who attended the Right to Life rally in Washington D.C. with other members of his Catholic school.
After the rally, Sandmann bought a red “Make America Great Again” hat, thinking nothing of such a simple act.
Then, he was ambushed by professional D.C. activists, who filmed his awkward high school reaction, and turned him into a “poster boy” for the far right.
Sandmann’s reputation was immediately attacked by what he referred to correctly as “the full war machine of the mainstream media.”
They called him names and printed negative stories about him. A kid, from Kentucky, who never said a word. They attacked his character.
Unlike many of the media’s victims though, Sandmann fought back, and won. He has settled cases with numerous mainstream media outlets that slandered him.
Last night, at the Republican National Convention, Sandmann explained his story, and reiterated his support for Donald Trump, and at the end of his remarks, he put on that red hat.
Sandmann is a new voice for his generation, and he did an incredible job last night.
Action Plan: One piece of advice Sandmann remembered while he was being taunted by an agitator with a drum stuck in his face, was that of a family friend who said “never do anything to embarrass your family, your school, or your community.” Everyone should remember those words.
Kudlow: This is No Time for Joe Biden’s $4 Trillion Tax Hike

President Donald J. Trump listens as Assistant to the President for Economic Policy Larry Kudlow speaks at a press conference during the 50th Annual World Economic Forum meeting Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2020, at the Davos Congress Centre in Davos, Switzerland. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)
I always love Larry Kudlow’s enthusiasm and can-do attitude. It’s the spirit for what our economy is built upon.
Kudlow knows there’s a fine line between success and failure, and that it’s freedom that makes the difference.
Before the unpredictable China virus hit American shores, Larry Kudlow had helped Donald Trump craft an economic policy that had driven unemployment levels to near record lows (see my chart below).
In a speech to the Republican National Convention last night, Kudlow promised more tax cuts and regulatory rollback in Trump’s second term.
He specified:
- Payroll tax cuts for higher wages
- Income tax cuts for the middle class
- Capital gains tax cuts for investment, productivity, and jobs
- Much more regulatory relief for small businesses
Kudlow also warned Americans against the danger of Joe Biden’s plan for a $4 trillion tax hike. Those tax hikes would be a disaster for America’s small business owners and entrepreneurs.
Watch his speech here:
Action Plan: Americans are about to choose the economy they want for the next four years. The risks are high. Every month I analyze Americans’ risk perception using my RAGE Gauge. Click here to sign up for my RAGE Gauge alert, but only if you’re serious.
Sen. Tim Scott: President Trump Built the Most Inclusive Economy Ever
Last night, Sen. Tim Scott, (R-SC), reminded viewers of the Republican National Convention about where the country has been, and how much progress has been made. He also reminded those watching about President Trump’s success in creating jobs for Americans before the China virus hit.
I especially enjoyed Scott’s memory of learning from his mentor about business and opportunity while he was young. He said “The next year I met my mentor, John Moniz…a Chick Fil-a operator. John saw something in me that I could not see in myself, and started teaching me valuable lessons in life… Like, having a job was a good thing, but creating jobs would be better. That having an income could change my lifestyle, but creating a profit could change my community!”
I spent my high school years working at Oxford Creamery in Mattapoisett, MA, learning that each scoop of ice cream served was a small profit to the business, and a benefit to me. Learning the value of the American dream at a young age, that hard work is the key to success, changes your life forever.
Scott himself is a model of the American dream. His family, he said, “went from Cotton to Congress in one lifetime.” he told the story of his grandfather, saying “My grandfather’s 99th birthday would have been tomorrow. Growing up, he had to cross the street if a white person was coming. He suffered the indignity of being forced out of school as a third grader to pick cotton, and never learned to read or write. Yet, he lived to see his grandson become the first African American to be elected to both the United States House and Senate.”
Scott also took time to remind viewers about Joe Biden’s record in the Senate, saying:
This election is about your future, and it’s critical to paint a full picture of the records of Donald Trump and Joe Biden.Joe Biden said if a black man didn’t vote for him, he wasn’t truly black.Joe Biden said black people are a monolithic community.Joe Biden said poor kids can be just as smart as white kids.And while his words are one thing, his actions take it to a whole new level.In 1994, Biden led the charge on a crime bill that put millions of black Americans behind bars…President Trump’s criminal justice reform law fixed many of the disparities Biden created and made our system more fair and just for all Americans.Joe Biden failed our nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities… heaping blame on them as they fought to ensure our young folks had access to higher education.Once again, to clean up Joe Biden’s mess, President Trump signed into law historically high funding for HBCUs, as well as a bill to give them permanent funding for the first time ever!
Read the transcript of Scott’s speech here:
Good evening,
To all of you tuning in and participating in the political process, God bless you.
This isn’t how I pictured tonight, but our country is experiencing something none of us envisioned.
From a global pandemic, to the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, 2020 has tested our nation in ways we haven’t seen for decades.
But regardless of the challenges presented to us…every four years…Americans come together to vote…To share stories of what makes our nation strong, and the lessons we have learned that can strengthen it further for our children and grandchildren.Because while this election is between Donald Trump and Joe Biden…it is not solely about Donald Trump and Joe Biden.It’s about the promise of America. It’s about you and me…our challenges and heartbreaks, hopes and dreams.It’s about how we respond when tackling critical issues like police reform…when Democrats called our work a token effort, and walked out of the room during negotiations because they wanted the ISSUE more than they wanted a solution.Do we want a society that breeds success, or a culture that cancels everything it even slightly disagrees with?I know where I stand, because you see, I am living my mother’s American Dream.My parents divorced when I was 7 years old. We lived in a two bedroom house with my grandparents…me, my mom and my brother sharing a room and a bed.My mom worked 16 hours a day to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads.She knew that if we could find the opportunity, bigger things would come.I thought I had to use football to succeed in life…and my focus on academics faded away. I failed my freshman year of high school — four subjects…Spanish, English, world geography, and civics.Trust me, after spending 7 years in the Senate, I know I’m not the only one in Congress who failed civics.But even while I was failing the 9th grade… my mother always said, “when you shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will be among the stars.” She never lost faith in me, even when I lost faith in myself. Because of her encouragement, I went to summer school and caught up.The next year I met my mentor, John Moniz…a Chick Fil-a operator. John saw something in me that I could not see in myself, and started teaching me valuable lessons in life…Like, having a job was a good thing, but creating jobs would be better. That having an income could change my lifestyle, but creating a profit could change my community!He planted the seeds of what would become Opportunity Zones — this initiative the President and I worked together on is bringing over 75 billion dollars of private sector investment into distressed communities.I took those lessons to heart…and started putting the pieces of my life together. I realized a quality education is the closest thing we have to magic in America.That’s why I fight to this day for school choice…to make sure every child, in every neighborhood has a quality education.I don’t care if it’s a public, private, charter, virtual or home school.When a parent has a choice, their kid has a better chance. And the President has fought alongside me on that.Later in life, I started my own successful small business. That’s why I know it is critical for us to have a tax code that encourages growth.We actually saw revenues to the Treasury increase after we lowered taxes in 2017. Rest assured, Democrats do not want you to know that!After starting my business and spending time in local government, I ran for Congress in 2010. The district is based in Charleston, South Carolina…where the Civil War started…against a son of our legendary Senator, Strom Thurmond.You may be asking yourself how does a poor black kid…from a single parent household…run and win a race in a crowded Republican primary against a Thurmond?Because of the evolution of the heart, in an overwhelmingly white district… the voters judged me on the content of my character, not the color of my skin.We live in a world that only wants you to believe in the bad news… racially, economically and culturally-polarizing news.The truth is, our nation’s arc always bends back towards fairness. We are not fully where we want to be…but thank God we are not where we used to be!We are always striving to be better…When we stumble, and we will, we pick ourselves back up and try again.We don’t give into cancel-culture, or the radical — and factually baseless — belief that things are worse today than in the 1860s or the 1960s.We have work to do…but I believe in the goodness of America…the promise that all men, and all women are created equal.And if you’re watching tonight, I’m betting you do, too.Over the past four years, we have made tremendous progress towards that promise.President Trump built the most inclusive economy ever. 7 million jobs created pre-COVID-19, two thirds of which went to women, African-Americans and Hispanics.The first new, major effort to tackle poverty in a generation — Opportunity Zones. We put hard earned tax dollars back in people’s pockets by cutting their taxes, especially for single parent households like the one I grew up in – cutting single mother’s taxes 70% on average.President Trump supported these tax cuts for those single moms, and other working families, and signed these policies into law…and our nation is better off for it.So, I’m going to ask you…the American people…not to look simply at what the candidates say…but to look back at what they’ve done.This election is about your future, and it’s critical to paint a full picture of the records of Donald Trump and Joe Biden.Joe Biden said if a black man didn’t vote for him, he wasn’t truly black.Joe Biden said black people are a monolithic community.Joe Biden said poor kids can be just as smart as white kids.And while his words are one thing, his actions take it to a whole new level.In 1994, Biden led the charge on a crime bill that put millions of black Americans behind bars…President Trump’s criminal justice reform law fixed many of the disparities Biden created and made our system more fair and just for all Americans.Joe Biden failed our nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities… heaping blame on them as they fought to ensure our young folks had access to higher education.Once again, to clean up Joe Biden’s mess, President Trump signed into law historically high funding for HBCUs, as well as a bill to give them permanent funding for the first time ever!And now, Joe Biden wants to come for your pocketbooks…. Unless you’re a blue state millionaire.I’m serious — that’s one of their solutions for the pandemic. They want more money from your pocket…going to help Manhattan elites and Hollywood moguls get a tax break.Republicans, however, passed President Trump’s once-in-a-generation tax reform bill that lowered taxes for single moms, working families and those in need.So, when it comes to what Joe Biden says he’ll do…Look at his actions. Look at his policies. Look at what he already did and did not do while he’s been in Washington for 47 years.Ladies and gentlemen, people don’t always see those failures, because they think we’re having a policy debate on two sides of an issue.That is not what is happening.Our side is working on policy — while Joe Biden’s radical Democrats are trying to permanently transform what it means to be an American.Make no mistake: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want a cultural revolution. A fundamentally different America.If we let them…they will turn our country into a socialist utopia…and history has taught us that path only leads to pain and misery, especially for hard-working people hoping to rise.Instead, we must focus on the promise of the American journey. I know that journey well.My grandfather’s 99th birthday would have been tomorrow. Growing up, he had to cross the street if a white person was coming. He suffered the indignity of being forced out of school as a third grader to pick cotton, and never learned to read or write.Yet, he lived to see his grandson become the first African American to be elected to both the United States House and Senate.Our family went from Cotton to Congress in one lifetime. And that’s why I believe the next American century can be better than the last.There are millions of families like mine across this nation…full of potential seeking to live the American Dream.And I’m here tonight to tell you that supporting the Republican ticket gives you the best chance of making that dream a reality.God Bless you, and may God continue to bless the United States of America.
Proud to be an American: Pro-Trump Parade Turns Rhode Island Red
For a few precious hours Sunday, hundreds of boats gathered under the Newport, RI bridge to begin a massive Pro-Trump boat parade to celebrate our love for country and concern for where it’s going.
As we powered up the bay, sounding our horns, waving flags, and simply enjoying the flotilla, we were fired up in anticipation of seeing the crowds at Colt State Park.
Thousands lined the shore waving flags and cheering as the parade went by. You felt the love for your fellow Americans. It was a special day for my family and for all of those who turned out in Rhode Island: a day to be proud to be an American and of turning Rhode Island Red.
Laura Damon writes in the Providence Journal:
BRISTOL — Terry and Joe Lorenz of Portsmouth stood close to the water’s edge at Colt State Park on Sunday afternoon. Terry proudly held an enormous Trump flag, and the couple beamed as they watched the parade of boats, many sporting flags like the one Terry held.
“I feel emotional. I’m proud to be here,” Terry said. “I am a Republican and I’m proud to be a Republican.”
“I like [Trump’s] spirit, I like his patriotism,” Joe said.
Terry and Joe were two of the roughly 2,000 people, an estimate from Park Ranger Grayson Caron, who arrived at the state park waterfront Sunday to soak in the pro-Trump boat parade, organized by Laura Larrivee of Barrington.
“It was a greater turnout than Independence Day,” a historically crowded day at the park, Caron said. He noted officials there called off max capacity at the park and cars were allowed to park in typically prohibited areas because of the sheer volume of people funneling in.
A petty officer with Coast Guard Station Castle Hill estimated that around 300 boats participated in the parade.
Boaters who took part in the parade gathered at the Newport Pell Bridge at 11 a.m. and made their way to Bristol, where they rode by Colt State Park, an optimal vantage point for those who wanted to catch a glimpse. The boats arrived at the park around noon, and the parade ended in Warwick, a seaman with Coast Guard Station Castle Hill confirmed.
“I was sitting on watch all day … I believe it went well,” Seaman Nathan Schroeder at Coast Guard Station Castle Hill said of the parade. He said he was not aware of any boating accidents.
“It was chaotic for a little while [but] it was smooth,” Caron said. Over his radio, he heard of one potential assault that happened in the park around 12:15 p.m. He did not know the details.
“Peaceful is the key word today,” Larrivee said at the Lighthouse Marina, LLC, in Barrington just before 9 a.m. on Sunday.
She was there with Jean Lehane and Karen Ferris, both of Portsmouth. As the event organizer, Larrivee wanted to get to the Pell Bridge early. She wore a baseball cap that said “Yes, I’m a Trump girl. Get over it,” and a T-shirt that read “The Great Awakening,” matching Lehane’s shirt.
Ferris wore a “Trump, keep America great,” hat.
“This rally … is not about fighting the other side, [but about supporting the president] and the things we believe,” Larrivee said.
Asked why she supports the president, and what she likes about him, Lehane said “reducing regulations … [and] he does a lot for our veterans … incredible trade deals … beefing up our military …strengthening our border.”
“Try to put his personality to the side,” Lehane said. “The media portrays him a certain way.”
Larrivee noted bipartisan support for criminal justice reform under Trump. Ferris said she appreciates Trump’s support for police officers.“I think our police officers really need to know that they have supporters that back them,” Ferris said.
At Colt State Park, wearing a neon yellow “Trump” shirt, Ken Prew of Riverside said he was “very surprised” with the strong turnout of Trump supporters.
Prew noted he was a Democrat until 2016. Asked why he supports Trump, he said “look at the economy … he thinks of America first.”
Some people on shore could be heard yelling “four more years,” as boats and JetSkis cruised by the park. Many held flags, cheered and waved.
Action Line: You can spread the word by sharing this with someone you care about.
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Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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