Debbie and I just returned from tallying up lawn signs on a six-state fall foliage road trip. Thanks to Marxist-centric Amherst, MA, in the last hour of the fourth day, Biden thundered ahead 42 to 40.
In the last hour of our last day it took Amherst MA, the most liberal town we visit to get the job done: Biden pulled out one of the six New England states.
Final state count: Trump 5/Biden 1.
President Trump garnered all the enthusiasm with innovative and/or big signs.
Consider that in 2016, Hillary Clinton won only20 Electoral College states. The New England states accounted for six of the twenty. Looked at individually, Biden lost five of the six states on our trip. A Clintonesque showing.
A Likely Win for Trump
Based on new gun registrations since 2016, Trump could turn Maine and/or New Hampshire. If this happens and Trump also wins FL, NC, and AZ, as looks likely today, he probably wins the election.
A key state is PA. Trump is well aware of this and has the technical ability, skill and ground team in place to flood PA with door-to-door campaign knockers.
The Biden team has chosen not to make the effort in PA.
All of this sounds promising for President Trump.
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