At Newsweek, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich explains that voter fraud, despite Democrats’ protestations, is quite real, and must be stopped. He writes (abridged):
Democrats, the media and the so-called public interest groups on the political Left will tell you otherwise, but they are either lying or totally ignorant. Voter fraud is a threat to the integrity of our elections, the heart of our democracy—and Democrats want to make the problem worse with their new voting laws.
I believe this issue is incredibly important, now more than ever. So, as part of my ongoing Election 2020 podcast series, I decided to examine voter fraud in depth in this week’s episode of my podcast, “Newt’s World.”
My guest is Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation and manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative. He is one of the preeminent experts on election law and election fraud .
Anyone who denies the existence of voter fraud in the U.S. needs to go to Heritage’s online database, where they will find 1,285 proven instances of it—including 1,110 criminal convictions. Some of the stories are quite striking.
The biggest way to expand voter fraud is to expand voting by mail. And Democrats want to impose universal vote-by-mail across the country.
Voting by mail also leads to ballot harvesting, the practice of allowing third parties to collect voters’ ballots and turn them in together to polling stations
Another invitation for dishonest elections and inaccurate voting is same-day registration
Democrats are pushing all of these measures in earnest. H.R. 1 And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) included the same measures in her $3 trillion monstrosity of a bill that is supposedly meant to stimulate the economy amid the coronavirus pandemic.
As Hans notes, Democrats have gotten to the point where they believe the ends justify the means.
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