President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks to employees and guests Thursday, June 25, 2020, at Fincantieri Marinette Marine in Marinette, Wis. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)
Where were you when you realized life wasn’t going to be the same for a while? Maybe it was when Gov. Cuomo stole your TV screen back in March. It wasn’t a good feeling, and it still isn’t.
America is not meant to be shut down. We aren’t meant to shelter in place when a survival rate is near 100% for most. Lockdowns ruin Main Street. Americans want their country back. The press doesn’t care.
The press doesn’t report the scandalous Biden family behavior. The press doesn’t report on Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation. The press doesn’t report the groundbreaking Tony Bobulinski interview by Tucker Carlson, proving the Biden family was cashing in on America’s reputation.
Regarding the media blackout of Tucker Carlson, Kyle Drennan wrote at NewsBusters:
Even after Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski sat down for a hour-long Fox News interview Tuesday night in which he provided credible evidence corroborating his claims about Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s corrupt foreign business dealings, on Wednesday, the NBC, ABC, and CBS morning shows couldn’t be bothered to cover the bombshell bad news for the Democratic nominee.
A Media Research Center study released on Tuesday found that the Big Three broadcast networks have only offered a pathetic 21 minutes to the growing Biden scandal since the story broke on the front page of The New York Post on October 14. That’s 21 minutes out of 113 hours worth of morning an evening shows over the past week and most of that paltry coverage was devoted to attempts to falsely claim the story was “Russian disinformation.” …
The leftist media are so deep in the tank for the Democratic Party that so-called “journalists” are spending the final days leading up to the presidential election trying to silence any news that could be damaging to the Biden campaign. They feel they must prevent another 2016 result at all costs.
The press lies to you. The press ignores the truth. When a brave reporter even attempts to tell the truth, they’re pilloried. Listen to the story of Glenn Greenwald at The Intercept, a news outlet he founded!
Now, the Trump economy is booming once again with a 33.1% annualized rate of growth in the third quarter—the best number ever recorded. And jobless claims are falling rapidly.
Imagine if we were still in the Obama economy. It’s time to get back to work and only one candidate cares about that. Americans want their country back and only Pres. Trump will make that happen.
Americans love their Second Amendment right, and they’re scared a Biden administration means more gun control, and possibly gun confiscation. Michael Warren Davis reports at LewRockwell.com:
Now, the 2020 election is just one week away, and most polls are predicting a comfortable Biden victory. The former vice president has promised to confiscate “assault weapons,” which is a scary-sounding name Democrats give to automatic and semiautomatic guns. That includes every rifle that fires more quickly than a blunderbuss and every pistol more advanced than a flintlock. Since most Americans don’t fancy the idea of defending their homes with muskets, stockpiling continues to intensify.
Action Line: If you do only two things in the next week, make sure they are 1) vote, and 2) get your guns and your training now.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.