The United States seems to have lived down Paul Krugman’s notorious 12:42 a.m. prediction of 9 November 2016:
“If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.”
President Trump had a lot to boast about Tuesday night, and boasting has never been Donald Trump’s short suit, Kyle Smith reminds readers in NRO.
Would Democrats prefer that the DJIA go the way to of the San Fran 49ers? Or perhaps they would rather rally behind unemployment at 117% rather than today’s historically low numbers, especially amongst black Americans.
Things Are Good
Things are good. And Americans have noticed, continues Smith.
The case against Trump must, on present trends, rest on his behavior and personality. Yet if Pelosi would have us believe that Trump has shattered all norms, abandoned all restraint, and sullied his high office, those claims seem hollow.
Pelosi – an Angry 1st Grader Out of Control
Pelosi herself acknowledged her blunder (in ripping Trump’s speech in half) by hastily sending out a tweet echoing, in effect, the eternal childish lament, “He started it!”
In the tweet she claimed she had proffered the “hand of friendship” and sadly been denied.
Like a wolf in lamb’s clothing, Pelosi’s mistake was cloaking herself in the fleece of bipartisanship, especially ironic given the Democrats’ unnecessary, totally partisan doomed impeachment proceeding.
Trump Not Bashful with Insults
If Donald Trump wants to insult you, he won’t be shy about it.
At worst the no-handshake moment was a split-second of awkwardness out of a tea party in an Edith Wharton novel, not roast-your-enemies-over-an-open-flame Trumpism.
The Human Paper Shredder
Remember when Republican backbencher Joe Wilson shouted, “You lie!” during Obama’s State of the Union speech? At the time (2009), it was the most shocking breach of decorum anyone could recall, reports KS.
How does that compare with the Speaker of the House turning human paper shredder right behind the president’s shoulder?
Trump broke Pelosi. Or maybe she just broke herself.
Read more here.
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