In my conversations with business owners this year, they tell me they love the Trump tax-cut. They’re also telling me business is good and expected to remain that way. Thank you Mr. Trump. When it comes to the mid-terms and the House, the best strategy is to focus on the economy and Trump’s tax cuts, pure and simple. And keep pointing out how a Pelosi-run House is not good for American businesses.
In The Wall Street Journal, James Freeman explains that the tax cuts are boosting Republican popularity, and most people don’t even know what’s in it yet. He writes:
Even counting those who expect to benefit from higher wages, it seems that only about half the country knows there’s something in it for them. Of course the other half can’t be kept in the dark forever, no matter how many times reporters note that wealthy Manhattan residents without children aren’t getting the best deal. What has to be frightening for Democrats is how the law looks to people once they finally know what’s in it.
Meanwhile, the real benefits being created for American families are being derided by Nancy Pelosi. One audience member in the video below decided they had had enough of her hypocrisy.
Nancy Pelosi Heckled At Town Hall While Criticizing Tax Reform: “How Much Are You Worth Nancy?”
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