It is an open and shut case. Hillary Clinton is a far worse presidential choice than is Donald Trump.
Here is the reality surrounding two deeply flawed candidates.
To win the White House, Donald Trump is going to have to concentrate more on the many issues where he certainly owns the high ground. Mr. Trump badly needs to remove himself from the theatrical stage and move on to the stage of “Realism and Restraint,” where he can easily control the message.
Given the menu of facts outlined so expertly by Pat Buchanan below, how can any American voter possibly even consider voting for a candidate with the disgraceful track record Hillary Rodham Clinton?
At stake in 2016 is the White House, the Supreme Court, the Senate and, possibly, control of the House of Representatives.
As secretary of state, Clinton made a compelling case for her being ranked as about the worst in American history.
She began her tenure by breaking State Department rules and setting up a private email server in her home. She compromised U.S. national security.
She is a compulsive fabricator, telling a harrowing story about running under sniper fire across the tarmac of some Balkan airfield, until TV footage showed her accepting a bouquet from a little girl.
Her “reset” with Russia was brushed aside by Vladimir Putin. Spurned, she now compares him to Hitler. Is this the temperament America wants in the First Diplomat, in dealing with nuclear powers?
She was a cheerleader for a war in Libya that left that nation a hellhole of terrorism.
Trump will secure the Southern border and halt the invasion of illegal immigrants.
He will throw out the Obama tax and trade policies that have betrayed American workers and bled us of our manufacturing power. In all future trade deals, Americanism will replace globalism as our guiding light.
Where Clinton regards Ruth Bader Ginsburg as her model Supreme Court justice, Trump’s nominees will be in the tradition of Justice Antonin Scalia.
“America First” will be the polestar in foreign policy. Cold War commitments dating to the 1950s, to fight wars for freeloader nations, will all be reviewed. Allies will start standing on their own feet and paying their fair share.
As for the defense of the United States, Peace through Strength, the Eisenhower policy, will be the Trump policy.
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