The Price of Opportunism: Arlen Specter’s Tough Fight – Joe Klein, TIME
Arlen Specter is in trouble on both sides of the fight to win election as Pennsylvania’s senator again. He has put himself at odds with the bases of both parties by being a spineless opportunist. He himself said that his jump from the GOP to the Democratic Party was a calculation to get reelected, not even a principled one. What would PA want with Specter when it has candidates like Pat Toomey and Joe Sestak? Answer: nothing. – Dick Young
Primary Clashes Reflect Voter Unrest – The Wall Street Journal
Voters have had it up to their gills with incompetence and corruption in Washington. The back scratching that goes on in the nation’s capital is outrageous and shouldn’t be tolerated any longer. This year take a good hard look at your incumbent’s record. Decide if he/she has been true to your principles, and vote accordingly. – Timothy Jones
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