Gingrich Blasts Kagan for Saudi Connection (Exclusive Video) – Elisabeth Meinecke, Human Events
Newt Gingrich questions Kagan’s acceptance of $10 million for Harvard. Saudi Arabia is terrorism central and nearly all of the terrorists on the flights that were hijacked on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia. The acceptance of the donation is nothing alarming in itself, but when juxtaposed with the denial of access to the American military to the campus of Harvard, Kagan’s loyalties must be questioned. Kagan’s refusal was based on her disagreement with the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy of the Pentagon. But in Saudi Arabia severe punishments are doled out to gay men and women. Kagan’s hypocrisy shows she is more anti-military than pro-gay rights. She is an insult to the intention of the founding fathers. There is nothing in Kagan’s background that would lead me to believe she will protect the Constitution of the United States. She is outwardly anti-second amendment, and for that reason alone must be denied the chance at a lifetime appointment to the only court built specifically to protect Americans’ constitutional rights. – Dick Young
An Obvious but Muzzled Truth – Michael Barone, National Review
The obvious truth here is that America is under attack by radical Islamist extremism. But the administration is saying anything but. As Mr. Barone concludes, “When you see a smart man like Eric Holder saying stupid things, you know something else is going on. You’re seeing a high official who regards most of us as cowards, who believes the truth could make us a Howling Mob. Does Barack Obama feel the same way?” – Dick Young
Napolitano’s Inept Homeland Security Department – Rowan Scarborough, Human Events
After the attempted Christmas day bombing Napolitano said “The system worked.” Now, a radical terrorist has attempted to bomb Time Square and was stopped by a hot-dog stand worker. Napolitano’s DHS is incompetent. And her refusal to acknowledge the threats to America from a broken border and radical Islamic extremism are terrifying to say the least. – Dick Young
No, You Can’t Keep Your Health Plan – Scott Gottlieb, The Wall Street Journal
President Obama’s promises that you “can” keep your health care plan, or you will be “able” to keep your plan are true. You can, if you are able. But the ability of many to afford their current health care plans will be destroyed as Obamacare drives premiums charged by insurance companies much higher, and eventually lays the groundwork for Democrats to institute a “public option” as things get so bad in the health insurance market that it looks like only government action will save America. This is already foretold in the legislation. The Democrats, led by Dennis Kucinich, who weren’t going to vote for Obamacare unless it contained a public option did end up voting for it, because they knew, as does anyone who has looked at the provisions in the bill, that it would only be a matter of time before the American health care system blew up and a public option would be the only option. – Deborah Young
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