Defeating Dingy Harry – John Gizzi, Human Events
In Nevada a three-way bout is taking place between Sharron Angle, Sue Lowden and Danny Tarkanian for the GOP nomination to senate. Tarkanian is definitely the choice for true conservatives, but whoever wins this race will have the support of the entire country’s conservative base in order to defeat Harry Reid. The defeat of Reid will send the Democratic Party into a tailspin and would be a major blow to the radical progressive movement in Washington D.C. – Dick Young
Tea Party Contenders Surge in S. Carolina, Nevada – Holly Bailey, Yahoo! News
Tea Party candidates are tearing the roof off of politics as usual. Don’t be surprised to see multiple tea partiers in the Capitol next year. – Timothy Jones
What’s at Stake In Tuesday’s Primaries – John Gizzi, Human Events
Major party primaries are today all across the nation. The candidates in the California gubernatorial and senatorial races will be determined, as will those in Nevada’s GOP senatorial primary to determine who will run against Harry Reid in the general election. Blanche Lincoln is on the chopping block in Arkansas. If she wins the party’s nomination, she will then undergo a brutal general election campaign. There’s no end in sight for Lincoln’s misery. – Timothy Jones