The Democrats’ Job Killing Policies Kill Jobs – Newt Gingrich, Human Events
As always, Newt Gingrich is full of ideas for returning prosperity to America. In this piece he provides you with a handy menu of ideas that could generate jobs in the country today like reducing the payroll and corporate taxes, eliminating the capital gains and estate taxes, and providing immediate expensing for businesses. These are all good ideas and would be welcomed by America’s small and large businesses alike. – Dick Young
The Alien in the White House – Dorothy Rabinowitz, The Wall Street Journal
President Obama and his staff don’t act as though they have any pride or attachment to the America that you and I are a part of. Sometimes to me the President seems embarrassed that he has to explain to the world why America is the way it is. He only seems to find fault in the American system, that’s why he campaigned on “change.” His advisers act in a similar fashion. Like Eric Holder that won’t even acknowledge that America is under attack by radical Islamist extremists. When asked by Congressman Lamar Smith if he thought radical Islamist extremism played any role at all in the most recent foiled terror attacks and the deadly attack at Fort Hood, Mr. Holder punted! He said “People have different reasons,” as though that were an answer. The attitude that America must apologize for being the way it is guides this administration, and their desire to not make America look bad to others in the world is ridiculous. The moment the government starts caring more about world opinion than Americans is the moment they give up America’s sovereignty. Maybe that’s the goal anyway. – Dick Young
Majority of U.S. House Oppose FCC Effort to Reclassify Broadband – Capitol Confidential, Big Government
Not so fast Mr. Genachowski say 248 members of the House in signed letters opposing the FCC Chairman’s plan to classify broadband as a telecommunication service. As I’ve stated from the very beginning the Obama appointed Genachowski’s net neutrality plan is simply a way to put more government in your life. Why haven’t more Congressmen signed the letters? Obviously the radical progressive movement is being heard. Are your rights being properly defended against further government overreach? – E.J. Smith
Gov. Daniels Dampens Talk of Presidential Bid – Elisabeth Meinecke, Human Events
It would be unfortunate to see Mitch Daniels completely deny a run for the White House. By all accounts Governor Daniels is a skilled leader and could be the breath of air this country needs after the Obama years are up. – Dick Young
Tipping Points – Michael G. Franc, National Review
The “New American Malaise” as Mr. Franc calls it, is turning Americans into pessimists with no belief in the American dream. There is one course of action that is needed to repair America and everyone knows what it is. Reduce the size of government. A reduction in spending, and then taxes will pay major dividends through growth of America’s productive capacity. – Timothy Jones
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