Debbie and I are in Boston, home of the tea party and the original Stamp Act Rebellion. Given last night’s election results, what could be more appropriate. I can almost see Sam Adams, Paul Revere And John Hancock smiling. The battle for a new day is on. And the Radical Progressive Movement and their opposites on the right, the neocons, have absorbed three catastrophic beatings from which they will not recover. The rats will now begin to flee the former Obama ship of state. Americans have spoken. Americans want no part of the Karl Marx/Cass Sunstein brand of income redistribution. The most immediate task at hand is to filibuster Elena Kagan. This heavily Marxist, anti-second amendment individual cannot receive a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. Any senator who votes to confirm her will take an eventual burning-at-the-stake, conservatives must stop a Kagan appointment.
Rand Paul and Pat Toomey are both candidates endorsed by me and they both won their primaries easily last night. Once they go on to win their respective Senate seats, Rand Paul will be a voice against outrageous foreign interventionism. With him in the Senate, look for the GOP to start having some internal discussions the neocons would rather not have.
And Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania will possibly be the nation’s toughest fiscal conservative. The loss of Arlen Specter in the Democratic primary is not surprising. Americans will more quickly vote against some one who has no principles than for some one with whom their principles disagree.
My endorsed candidates are so far running two for two. But there are more tough races to go. One of my other favored candidates is Mike Lee of Utah. Lee’s platform reads like a true conservative’s Christmas list. Lee would wind down Social Security, send Medicaid to the states to determine its fate, and would end the use of the military for nation building. Lee is a principled constitutionalist and should be at the top of any Utahn’s list on June 22 when the primary is held.
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