Rand Paul Wins, Gets it Right in Speech – Max Pappas, FreedomWorks.org
The Republicans that backed Trey Grayson for Kentucky senate candidate wanted a team player, not a true conservative or an intelligent thinker. Rand Paul beat Trey Grayson and now will go on to “Take Our Country Back.” FreedomWorks was in the vanguard in supporting Rand Paul. FreedomWorks has members on the ground in every state to determine who the real conservative candidates are and who the “team players” are. Americans don’t want any more team players. Right now the Obama team is crippling the country’s future growth with Obamacare, soon it will attempt to add cap and trade laws and amnesty for illegal immigrants to its list of so-called accomplishments. Rand Paul isn’t only right for Kentucky, he is right for the country as a whole. America need more candidates like Rand Paul. Listen to his acceptance speech below.
More Guns, More Freedom – A.W.R. Hawkins, Human Events
There is absolutely no interpretation of the Second Amendment necessary. It is plain in its dictates and nonnegotiable. The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed, period. Barring an amendment, there is nothing the Radical Progressive Movement can do to change the intent. That’s why they will continue to use scare tactics and onerous laws outside the bounds of constitutional precedent (for now) to keep Americans unarmed and vulnerable. – Dick Young
Obama and the Oil Spill – Thomas Friedman, The New York Times
Mr. Friedman is right that the United States should attempt to rid itself of foreign oil imports that fund terrorist ideology overseas. However, using the BP oil spill that happened in American ocean, to a British company to justify a tax that Mr. Freidman says will end terrorists’ ability to attack us is being disingenuous at best, and just wrong at worst. – Deborah Young
Stopping Obama’s Secular-Socialist Machine – Newt Gingrich, Human Events
The Radical Progressive Movement is in control of all the major institutions in America. The liberal media, the liberal academics, liberal Hollywood and liberal courts all are in control of their respective fields. Conservatives by their nature aren’t interested in institutionalism. A conservative doesn’t want to be part of the machine, that’s why they are more likely to be found creating jobs in an entrepreneurship than carrying water for the liberal agenda in a union administration job. Don’t get confused, there are two Americas, one fronted by Barack Obama and the Radical Progressive Movement, and one fighting for American values. – Dick Young
Vanguard’s Bailout Warning – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
The new financial reform contains a “resolution process” for big banks in trouble. What happened to bankruptcy? Isn’t that the resolution process that failed businesses are supposed to undergo? The only “resolution process” the Senate is talking about is a way to bailout more big businesses that get themselves into trouble, and how to use your money to do it. – Dick Young
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