Jon Rappoport tells readers of that it’s obvious the assault on the Capitol was a false flag attack. He writes (abridged):
Obviously, if the assault on the Capitol building was a false flag, all the blame cascading down on Trumpers paves the way for Biden and his handlers to carry out even more draconian measures on the American people, under the rubric of National Security—piled on top of the COVID lockdowns.
The short attention span of television viewers shifts further away from the violent Antifa riots in US cities over the past six months.
And whereas media portrayed Antifa riots as “largely peaceful disturbances,” we can look forward to months of pompous posturing about Wednesday’s events in DC.
Biden will be “the sane president” who restored peace and order.
Trump resisters who refuse to acknowledge Biden’s election will be characterized, over and over, as dangerous lunatics.
For the next 20 years, media will play up Wednesday, January 6, 2021, as the dark day America almost broke apart. You can bet a few dozen production companies are already editing footage for “stunning, award-winning” documentaries.
Democrats are feeling a burst of confidence that Trump’s career as a politician is over—since he will forever be linked to “The Insurrection of January 6.”
In their eyes, this is far better than a physical assassination.
On the night of February 27, 1933, a fire was set in the German Reichstag, the national parliament. It burned a significant portion of the structure. Many historians state Hitler’s people set that fire—which at the time was successfully blamed on his main political opponent, the Communist Party. The tactic allowed Hitler to consolidate his final needed piece of national power.
Alongside the endorsement and support of IG Farben, the biggest pharmaceutical and chemical cartel in the world, the Reichstag false flag gave Hitler control over the fate of Germany.
False flags do work.
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