The media has been consumed with non-stop coverage of protesters storming the Capitol earlier in January. But mainstream outlets still are ignoring left-wing violence that continues to plague the nation, reports BRIGHT editors.
On Sunday evening, anti-police Antifa protesters in Tacoma, Washington became violent. They showed up in Tacoma to protest against police, after a cop drove his cruiser through a crowd and injured two people during a street racing event on Saturday night.
No Doubt “Peaceful” Protestors
Antifa members smashed business windows, destroyed cars, and vandalized government buildings. Videos posted to Twitter show the windows of a government building being smashed by rioters, as well as Antifa blocking a road and setting fires in the street. The mob chanted “Black lives matter” at points, and some called for defunding the police. At least one mob member was seen carrying a rifle.
For much of the riot, as the mob destroyed businesses, cops appeared nowhere to be found. After several hours, some rioters showed up at the county jail to demand prisoners be released. Dressed in all black, and waving at least one Antifa flag, the mob chanted, “Free them all” as they attempted to pull away the gates protecting the jail.
During the rampage, at least two police vehicles were damaged while several city buildings were evacuated. According to Tacoma police, two people attempted to get onto the roof of an unspecified building with weapons including a handgun and double-bladed knives.
Normalizing Violent Behavior
Silence from Democrats has been deafening. Left wing violence has destroyed several U.S. cities (Portland, OR/Seattle) and resulted in dozens of deaths since George Floyd’s death in May 2020.
Divisive rhetoric from Democratic leaders arguably fosters a culture of permissive left-wing violence, continues BRIGHT editors.
Eric Holder told left-wingers of conservatives, “When they go low, we kick them.”
Maxine Waters encouraged her supporters to harass Trump supporters and administration officials in public.
For more on Democrats urging violence as a political tactic, read on.
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