Arnold Schwarzenegger, Former Governor of California. | Energy Department Image | Photo by Ken Shipp | Public Domain
The night Nazi thuggery raised the full extent of its vile, anti-Semitic face is often called Kristallnacht. The “Night of Broken Glass” showed the Nazi regime’s capacity to inflict horror on Jews, first, and subsequently on any who opposed its murderous regime.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former governor of California, has had an extraordinary, eclectic career as a movie star and five-time winner of the Mr. Universe title. With Arnold’s popularity, he likely could have been elected president, if the U.S. Constitution did not prohibit it. Recently, though, Arnold made a huge mistake, explains Edward King in American Greatness.
In Schwarzenegger’s video (released earlier this month), Arnold discusses his upbringing in post-war Austria. More specifically, Schwarzenegger outrageously claims that Kristallnacht was carried out by the Nazi equivalent of the Proud Boys.
Whatever Schwarzenegger’s intention, the video will only further polarize Americans, warns Mr. Ring. When someone like Schwarzenegger compares the 6 January events with Kristallnacht, and the Proud Boys to Nazi Brownshirts, Americans must trudge again the double-lane standard still being applied by the media and the clueless left.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, suggests Mr. Ring, should review the video files of the militant Antifa mob, marching through city streets in America, “chanting violent slogans, carrying clubs and shields, wearing helmets and body armor, all dressed in black.”
He might watch videos showing these dangerous militants beating the hell out of unarmed, outnumbered victims who dared to wear a MAGA hat or carry an American flag.
Schwarzenegger would do well to review the pitched battles against police that have been fought by Antifa militants for months on end—even before the unrest of 2020—in cities across America. He should note the looted and vandalized shops, the burned-out buildings, and the broken glass.
It is true that some Trump supporters have become militant or have succumbed to the momentum of the mob. Nonetheless, if any mass demonstrations could accurately be described as “mostly peaceful” over the past year, it would be those held by Trump supporters, including the massive rally and march on January 6.
A minute fraction of that massive crowd got out of hand, and facts are still surfacing as to the ringleaders’ background and motivations. It is a self-serving lie, defying all observational data to claim that Trump’s supporters are usually the aggressors. Events over the past year contradict this claim.
Schwarzenegger’s well-worn path of one-sided condemnation enables further violence. Everything the establishment is doing, from escalating online censorship to presenting outrageously slanted news and analysis, plays into the hands of extremist provocateurs.
As Mr. Ring asks, where were the censorings, the news spotlights, the mass arrests during months last year of orchestrated violence and vandalism coming from the left?
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