OK, Your Survival Guy watches “The Bachelor” (don’t tell anyone). If you’re not up to speed, here’s a quick update. The show’s host, Chris Harrison, is under attack for defending a front runner that the “woke” crowd are trying to cancel. Harrison is asking for a little grace and not to ruin this girl’s life with attacks. And for that, Harrison’s basically been suspended from the show and forced to apologize to hopefully get his job back.
Your Survival Guy boycotted the show this week (don’t spoil it for me) and will continue to do so until cooler minds prevail—fat chance. It was the one show our 19-year old daughter would actually watch with us, at the same time, if you can believe it—a rare event with everyone on their own binge-watch schedule. That’s what Harrison gets for asking for a little grace? Give me a break. And that’s what he’s been told to do, essentially, by the cancel culture producers at ABC.
History has become “his story” or “her story.” It’s an opinion today, not a fact of what really happened. And depending on who’s doing the canceling, you’re either on the right side or the wrong side. There’s the reality, and then there’s the woke-folk telling you what went down as if you can’t see it for yourself. Here’s Glenn Greenwald on the Jan 6 events:
Condemning that riot does not allow, let alone require, echoing false claims in order to render the event more menacing and serious than it actually was. There is no circumstance or motive that justifies the dissemination of false claims by journalists. The more consequential the event, the less justified, and more harmful, serial journalistic falsehoods are.
Yet this is exactly what has happened, and continues to happen, since that riot almost seven weeks ago. And anyone who tries to correct these falsehoods is instantly attacked with the cynical accusation that if you want only truthful reporting about what happened, then you’re trying to “minimize” what happened and are likely an apologist for if not a full-fledged supporter of the protesters themselves.
One of the most significant of these falsehoods was the tale — endorsed over and over without any caveats by the media for more than a month — that Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick was murdered by the pro-Trump mob when they beat him to death with a fire extinguisher. That claim was first published by The New York Times on January 8 in an article headlined “Capitol Police Officer Dies From Injuries in Pro-Trump Rampage.” It cited “two [anonymous] law enforcement officials” to claim that Sicknick died “with the mob rampaging through the halls of Congress” and after he “was struck with a fire extinguisher.”
A second New York Times article from later that day — bearing the more dramatic headline: “He Dreamed of Being a Police Officer, Then Was Killed by a Pro-Trump Mob” — elaborated on that story.
Action Line: It turned out, it never was a fire extinguisher at all, but the political left is still quoting the bogus story to this day. Greenwald explains the entire episode here on Substack.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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