You know I want you to escape the city. You’re taxed too much and left to fend for yourself in America’s big cities today. Perhaps nowhere is this more apparent than Buckhead, an Atlanta suburb that pays one-fifth of the city’s budget but has been left to face rampant violence alone. Residents of Buckhead want to break away from Atlanta, but the radical left mayor wants to keep using them as a piggy bank. Tucker Carlson explained the situation in Buckhead on his show recently.
In Buckhead, murders year-to-date are up almost 50 percent—that’s a lot of new dead people. Robberies and aggravated assaults are up by nearly 40 percent. Car thefts are up 65 percent. Lenox Square mall in Buckhead, one of the first indoor shopping malls in the United States, is now too dangerous to visit. Beginning last year, someone was getting shot at the mall virtually every month. In December of 2019, a Macy’s employee was shot during a robbery. The following January, a man trying to defend himself from an armed robber was inadvertently shot by a cop. In February, a drug deal led to a gun battle outside of Bloomingdales. In March, a dispute over a parking space outside the Cheesecake Factory led to more gunfire and killed someone. And so on. People in Buckhead stopped going to the mall.
Ultimately, authorities decided they needed security metal detectors. They put police dogs throughout the mall. They set up a network of security cameras with software to detect firearms. It seemed like it would work but it didn’t, there was just too much violence. This past April, a gunman beat a 60-year-old woman next to her car in the mall’s parking lot and stole her purse. Atlanta police said somehow none of their cameras caught the crime. A witness called James Glass, says he never saw any police officers or security during the assault, even though the attacker took his time beating the woman because he was enjoying it so much.
According to Glass, quote, “It seemed like he was celebrating what he had done. He started to rejoice and started shouting… Just like he was happy for what he had done to this lady.”
That’s disgusting. It’s still going on. On Monday, two 15-year-olds shot and nearly killed a security guard at the Apple store at Lenox Square Mall.
If criminals can terrorize the mall in Buckhead — now one of the most surveilled places in Atlanta –what can they do with the neighborhood? Well, they can terrorize it. And they are. They’re attacking people on residential streets. Here’s a quick report from Fox 5 in Atlanta:
REPORTER: Neighbors say they’re shocked after two crimes rocked their Buckhead neighborhood. Atlanta police say on Saturday they found a man with a gunshot wound on West Wesley Road. Investigators say the man and two others were shot at while jogging. // Hours later on Saturday, Atlanta police responded to the Collier Ridge apartment complex. // Police say they found a man who was severely injured on scene COP: He did in fact strike an individual who was taking out the trash REPORTER: Atlanta police say they arrested the suspect shortly after that crime. Now investigators are working to find a possible motive.
The man who was shot jogging on Saturday is called Andrew Worrell. You should know there’s no backstory here. He didn’t know the guy who shot him. He wasn’t doing anything, he was jogging on the weekend like a good citizen and a guy pulled up and opened fire. Why? His 9-1-1 call is hard to listen to, but you should listen anyway, just so you can understand exactly what Keisha Bottoms has done to Buckhead. Here it is:
Andrew Worrell’s 911 call June 5th ANDREW WORRELL: Help! Help! DISPATCHER: Hello caller? ANDREW WORRELL: 1211 West Wesley DISPATCHER: Is this a house, apartment or place of business? ANDREW WORRELL: I’m on the street. 1211 West Wesley. I got shot.// DISPATCHER: Is the assailant still nearby? ANDREW WORRELL: No, he drove away. DISPATCHER: Okay. And is there any serious bleeding? ANDREW WORRELL: Yes, I’m bleeding. I’ve been shot.
Something similar happened to a woman called Valerie Kasper on a trail in Brookhaven, near Buckhead. She was stabbed in the back four times by a stranger in broad daylight while she was walking on a trail. Kasper was pregnant with her second child at the time. Her injuries forced doctors to deliver her baby more than 3 months early because she was stabbed by a stranger. What were these attacks about? They weren’t robberies. The only point was physical injury-it was terror, it was brutality. The victims appear to have been chosen purely for how they look. But don’t call these hate crimes. That’s not allowed. You can’t say that.
Privately, many people in Buckhead suspect that’s exactly what’s going on. They’ve been attacked by reckless politicians for years. Politicians have ginned up hatred of Buckhead for political reasons. Why wouldn’t others take them seriously? Why wouldn’t shootings and stabbings be the end result? Some people have had enough of this, they don’t think it’s going to get better. Two bills currently in the Georgia state legislature would allow Buckhead to leave the city of Atlanta, run its own competent police department and resume being a safe, nice place.
CNN, for one, hates this idea. CNN has its headquarters in Atlanta and has had so for forty years, it knows exactly what’s going on in the city. They don’t care. You don’t like getting shot while jogging? Then you’re a racist:
CNN coverage of Buckhead story June 7: BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR: The mostly white neighborhood of Buckhead is pushing to separate from the rest of the city. CNN’s Ryan Young has more from Atlanta // RYAN YOUNG, CNN REPORTER: The Buckhead exploratory committee reports they’ve raised over a half a million dollars and is now pushing state lawmakers to push through a bill that would allow their cityhood petition to be voted on in the next election. The predominantly white neighborhood’s movement is gaining traction with Republican lawmakers.
Oh, are you getting the dog whistles? “Mostly white.” “Predominately white.” Got it? If you’re opposed to getting murdered outside Cheesecake Factory, you’re a white supremacist. They always say that. Here’s the funny thing, they don’t mean it. How do we know they don’t mean it? Look at how they live.
How many CNN anchors have weekend homes anywhere near Section 8 housing? Let’s see: Right around zero. Not one. Instead, they run to Martha’s Vineyard or charter helicopters to fly to the Hamptons on Friday afternoons. In their spare time, they get as far from diversity as they possibly can. Not just some of them. All of them, every one of them. That’s the truest generalization ever made.
Action Line: Do you live in a neighborhood like Buckhead? If so, it may be time to build you and your family an island.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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