The media, writes Victor Davis Hanson, is “unapologetically” aligned with the Democratic Party, the bicoastal elite, and the progressive agenda.
The result is that the public cannot trust that the news it hears or reads is either accurate or true. The news as presented by these outlets has been carefully filtered to suppress narratives deemed inconvenient or antithetical to the political objectives of these entities, while inflating themes deemed useful.
Accompanying this bias is increasing journalistic incompetence. Lax standards are coupled with a dearth of writing and ethical protocols of quoting and sourcing, resulting in a corrupt media that is “ignorant, arrogant, and ideological.” It explains why few now trust what it delivers, adds Mr. Hanson.
The Hunter Laptop is the locus classicus, explains VDH.
Instead of carefully examining the contents of the laptop or interrogating Biden-company players such as Tony Bobulinksi, the media hyped the ridiculous disinformation hoax as a mechanism for suppressing the damaging pre-election story altogether.
Media corruption has changed the course of recent history.
- Dan Rather insisted that “fake but true” memos “proved” George W. Bush got special exemptions from military service.
- Brian Williams fabricated an entire Walter-Mitty fantasy existence with ease.
- The Wiki Leaks Podesta trove revealed blue-chip reporters checking in with the Clinton campaign and the DNC to “fact check” and brainstorm their pre-publication puff pieces.
- Jon Meacham periodically praised Joe Biden’s eloquence and moving addresses without informing his audience that he contributed to or indeed helped write what he gushed about. No problem.
- Jeffery Zucker’s CNN is emblematic of all the mortal sins listed above of our present-day corrupt media.
- CNN’s Candy Crowley—impartial “moderator” of the second 2012 presidential debate—infamously transformed before our very television eyes into an active and shameless partisan by attacking candidate Mitt Romney.
The Corrupt List Goes On and On
Mr. Hanson lists in his article many other compromised players, starting with Hillary Clinton, Christopher Steele, Robert Mueller, and Stacey Abrams. There are plenty more.
How exactly did Jeffery Epstein and Harvey Weinstein operate as sexual perverts and high-profile, liberal-benefacting deviants for years without media scrutiny? Who created the cable news myth of now-felon Michael Avenatti as presidential timber?
Why, after the midterms, did we suddenly learn that Donald Trump did not, as in the case of Barack Obama’s Lois Lerner skullduggery, manipulate the IRS for political purposes to go after James Comey and Andrew McCabe? Why suddenly post-election did we read that his presidential papers at Mar-a-Lago really did not contain “nuclear codes” and “nuclear secrets” or stuff intended for sale? Why did we learn after November 8 that a special counsel was suddenly appointed?
Why did we discover the Ponzi scheme of Sam Bankman-Fried only after the midterms and why is he treated as an aw-shucks teen in bum drag rather than a calculating and conniving crook?
VDH writes in American Greatness: Had the true nature of the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop been reported, “the 2020 voters have polled that the revelation may well have made a difference because they would not have voted for a candidate so clearly compromised by foreign interests.”
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