At, Paul Gottfried explains how Democrats are relying on criminals to achieve their goals for staying in power. He writes (abridged):
In The Origins of Totalitarianism, a massive work first published in 1951, Hannah Arendt, a refugee from Nazism, noted striking similarities between Hitler’s and Stalin’s regimes. In both of those state-of-the-art tyrannies, the governing classes forged a mutually profitable alliance with society’s criminal elements.
They enlisted inveterate criminals to spread terror, lest anyone question their ruthlessness in settling scores.
Readers who suspect I intend to attribute these characteristics to the government that the Democratic Party and its allies are inflicting upon us have guessed correctly.
The Democrats seem to have taken their cues from earlier totalitarians in the way they have built bridges to the nation’s thug population. Not only did Democratic leaders like Kamala Harris spend last summer inciting Black Lives Matter and Antifa mobs and bailing out these practitioners of violence, Democratic appointees in the military, up to and including Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, are teaching soldiers to revere BLM vandals while being put on guard against “domestic terrorists”—i.e., Republican voters. Antiwhite mobs that burn down cities and shoot police have been redefined as “antiracists” and are depicted as the natural allies of soldiers and the Secret Service.
Similarly, the lawlessness at our southern border has been abetted by the Biden Administration to enlarge the constituency of the Democratic Party.
A “crisis” caused by the continuing invasion of illegals does not exist for [VP] Harris. Violating entry laws may be exactly what she wants if it results in turning Texas blue. Unlike the Trump voters who are treated as racists and terrorists, the illegals rushing across our Southern border can benefit the present regime.
Nor is it of any concern to the Democratic administration that drug cartels and MS-13 are entering the United States from Mexico. These criminals may also assist the present administration by keeping the Democrats’ opposition from the polls, an activity that the obliging BLM performed last November. Indeed, BLM was given a place at the table of honor when the electronic media giants and other woke capitalists and, not surprisingly, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, planned the necessary steps to ensure the electoral defeat of President Trump.
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