President Joe Biden listens during a weekly personnel meeting Thursday, Feb. 4, 2021, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)
A poll of Americans by ABC News/IPSOS found that Americans today are not happy with the Biden administration on two very important issues, his self-made crisis at the border, and his administration’s pending increases in gun control. The poll showed “warning signs” on those two issues. Chris Enloe reports at The Blaze:
The poll found that a majority of Americans — 57% — disprove of Biden’s handling of the border crisis and gun violence.
More from ABC News:
The issue of immigration is one of the most polarizing among those included in the poll, with clear majorities of Republicans (89%) and independents (54%) disapproving of Biden, while one-third of Democrats say the same. Similarly, Biden’s handling of gun violence draws disapproval from 86% of Republicans, 56% of independents and 37% of Democrats — the highest dissatisfaction among members of his own party of the issues asked about in the survey.
Most notably, a majority of respondents described the migrant surge at the southern U.S. border as a “crisis” — something Biden and top Democrats refuse to do.
The ABC News/Ipsos poll was conducted between March 26 and March 27. Pollsters did not survey Biden’s overall approval.
Gallup, however, indicates Biden’s overall job approval stands at 54%, down from 57% at the start of his presidency.
What about these issues?
While Biden has refused to acknowledge the seriousness of the border crisis — in which thousands of migrants are entering the U.S. each day, overwhelming immigration resources — Biden promised to pursue gun control.
In fact, White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed Friday that Biden will bypass Congress and enact new gun reform through executive action.
“When the president was the vice president in the Obama-Biden administration, he helped put in place 23 executive actions to combat gun violence,” Psaki said. “It’s one of the levers that we can use, that any federal government, any president can use to help address the prevalence of gun violence and address community safety around the country.”
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