The 4th Estate: The Arm of the Political Left
Perfectly coordinated and relentless has been the American media’s instantaneous overhaul of Kamala Harris. The Times, for example, ran an essay on Sunday, “I was a Kamala Harris skeptic. Here’s how I got coconut pilled.”
In Spectator US, the frog-to-princess transmutation has been amazing to watch. And chilling. Lionel Shriver writes what most citizens have long known: The US no longer enjoys an independent press.
The American Fourth Estate is almost entirely an arm of the Democratic Party.
Even more staggering than Joe Biden’s “merciless” political assassination, has been the political makeover of Kamala Harris.
… Kamala Harris transformed within hours from a babbling, giggling, dim-witted electoral ball, and chain to a smart, inspiring, forceful, and eloquent standard bearer for freedom, justice, and democracy.
The American media’s instantaneous overhaul of Harris has been perfectly coordinated and relentless. With the same collusive commitment with which they’d so recently disguised Biden’s glaring mental failings, commentators and celebrities alike have sung the praises of a woman who, the week before, was a standard butt of stand-up.
At this point, it’s hardly paranoid to accept that there is a “they:” the same people who’ve controlled the Biden administration from day one. They’re obsessed with race, captivated by radical gender ideology, in love with racial quotas, blindly devoted to self-harming net zero, festive about open borders and oblivious to pitching trillions down a rathole with borrowed money. Long a genuine centrist, Biden lurched wildly left as president. You needn’t be able to see a strong wind to infer from a bent tree that it’s being subjected to a powerful force.
An Unvetted Substitute
It’s hard to overcome the knotted sense that something is wrong and that Kamala Harris’s rise to presidential power was “manipulated and not quite kosher,” as Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. writes in the WSJ.
Buyer’s remorse comes readily enough when consumers aren’t rushed into a making a decision about a product they can’t properly examine.
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