The House impeachers, in their single and sloppy impeachment article, accuse Mr. Trump of “incitement of insurrection, ” offers the WSJ.
This is a stretch, not least because Mr. Trump called on the marchers to behave “peacefully.” The House managers mention this only in passing in their trial brief. It is doubtful that Mr. Trump’s Jan. 6 remarks would qualify as incitement under the criminal code.
The assault on the Capitol was a riot, and a violent one, but it wasn’t an “insurrection.” It wasn’t a coup. Law enforcement was overwhelmed but it was all on the side of the Congress.
Once the mob was dispersed, the Members returned to the House chamber to count the votes. There was never any chance that Joe Biden would not become President on Jan. 20, whatever the fantasies of Mr. Trump and his courtiers.
Meanwhile, Mollie Hemingway at the Federalist notes the hypocrisy of the left. Last summer, Democrats had a meltdown when Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark) suggested calling the National Guard to handle Antifa riots. Today, the new administration is using government reserve forces in D.C.
I don’t think people realize how horrifying it is for many people in the country to see their Capitol surrounded by troops, while the previous president is paraded in front of cameras for a show trial. This is something that you think of as banana republic or Third World-country stuff. If it (were) happening in Russia, you would say that the regime is very seriously threatened.
The left is attempting to silence conservative voices in favor of Democratic Party’s sole control of the government. Impeachment, censorship, and Big Tech – it’s an effort to get rid of political opposition, summarizes the Federalist.
For more, read “By Any Means Necessary”
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