September 11, 2009
Your key to a healthy heart is consuming a proper daily balance of the two families of essential fatty acids-omega-6s and omega-3s. Consuming regular servings of fatty fish, such as tuna, wild king salmon, and anchovy, is a start. I take two daily capsules of Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega, which contains fish oil. You are looking for two particular omega-3 fatty acids: DHA and EPA. You can also benefit from an increase in your intake of the plant-based form of omega-3 fatty acids, LNA. The richest source of LNA is flaxseed oil. I grind my own from our natural foods market or buy the excellent ground flax seed offered by Spectrum Essentials. In coming weeks, I will have much more for you on the cardiovascular health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Among the most helpful books I have read is The Omega Diet by Artemis P. Simopoulos and Jo Robinson. I have spoken with Jo Robinson and also own her book Pasture Perfect, and I consider her a national treasure.
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