When the stock market can jump in a day as much as what historically would take a third of the year, what does that mean? When you think about how to Survive and Thrive in times like these, you quickly realize it’s a game of tradeoffs.
When Texas windmills stop working, doesn’t that embolden oil-rich nations? It’s like squeezing a water balloon (if it’s not frozen), where someone will benefit or fill the void—and keep pushing the envelope to keep their winnings. Chaos theory doesn’t have to rely on a butterfly when a frozen windmill will do the trick.
Look at the money being spent by politicians bailing out blue states, and compare it to RED states that ran a tight ship like Florida and South Dakota. There’s so many American tax refugees escaping to Florida it could sink from the added weight. But the pols keep on spending to bail out the usual suspects. Will Governors Ron DeSantis and Kristi Noem be able to keep Florida and South Dakota RED when Blue states get all the money? And who pays for the spending?
If tax increases are inevitable, what about the “tax” on savers from low-interest rates? If rates are a third of what they were, isn’t that a third of what you used to earn? Of course, it is. Unlike the ‘70s when no one paid the top tax rate, today’s low-interest rates are paid by all SAVERS. It casts a wide net, capturing those who are trying to make the system work.
Action Line: How can you survive and thrive in times like these? When interest rates are at historical lows? You just have to dig a little deeper and find areas to pick up SAFE yields you seek that offer the peace of mind you deserve. That I CAN help you with. If you’re serious about gaining that peace of mind, sign up for my free monthly Survive and Thrive newsletter by clicking here.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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