If you couldn’t keep up with the many happenings in world defense policy this week, Niskanen Center has compiled an essential reading list to help you catch up. Here are a couple of Niskanen Center’s highlights:
– Apropos of the Pentagon’s budget request being submitted this week, Politico Magazine ran a story this week on the retirement of Winslow Wheeler, a former congressional staffer and tireless crusader against waste at the Department of Defense.
– With the debate over military compensation in full swing, Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) had an excellent piece for Forbes this week outlining not only the details of the modernization commission’s most important recommendations, but also the implications of the military’s spiraling personnel costs for national defense. Harrison also wrote a report on the subject for CSBA in 2012 that is well worth revisiting.
Read more from Niskanen Center by clicking here.
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