When did Congress authorize this? President Obama tells the American people that the use of force in Libya was authorized by the U.N. Security Council and that the Arab League has asked for intervention. Section 8 of Article 1 in our Constitution says that “the Congress shall have Power to declare War.” Our president has overstepped his constitutional bounds. The U.N. Security Council has no grounds to deal with U.S. military activity. In fact China, Russia, and Germany all abstained on the resolution.
I see no grounds for American military intervention. Libya represents no threat to American interests. We are once again involving ourselves in kicking a hornet’s nest. I have no interest in the U.N. resolution and am in favor of an American withdrawal from the U.N. and, for that matter, from NATO. The U.N. has little intention of looking out for U.S. interests, and America must retreat from a position as the world’s policeman. It is long past the time to begin the long-term process of shuttering foreign military installations and bringing American troops home. This should happen in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The Korean and Vietnam wars were mistakes. Iraq and Afghanistan are mistakes.
The post 9/11 hunt for Bin Laden was clearly a worthy mission, but the mission should have ended in December of 2001 in the mountains of Tora Bora. There will be no satisfactory end to the situation in Afghanistan because there is no satisfactory central government. Ancient tribal forces have no interest in getting along with one another. It is impossible to know your friends from your enemies. Loyalties are easily bought and can change on a dime. Furthermore, the Afghan police force is corrupt to the core with little improvement in sight.
Now we have Libya and a whole new hornet’s nest. America is virtually leaderless and on the wrong track on most every front. One area I am powerfully optimistic on is America’s energy security, which I will be writing about in my upcoming Intelligence Report.
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