A disturbing article graced the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal this morning. In it the editors write that the Democratic Leadership Council, one of the few moderate Democratic policy institutions left in Washington, is closing down shop. That means that the leadership of the Democratic Party will receive even fewer moderate ideas and depend more on radical left wing policy groups like the Center for American Progress led by John Podesta and funded by George Soros. If you thought the past two years were bad, wait until only the radical left-wing think tanks have a seat at the table with some future Democratic led Congress.
The left wing think tanks, and their surrogates in Congress, are mostly focused on using your tax dollars to buy constituencies through welfare and income redistribution. They aren’t making the lives of the poor any better, in fact their policies keep the poor in the poor house and don’t provide new jobs or skills. That’s not what government should do, and now one of the few Democratic forums for discussion of welfare reform is gone.
The budget busting years of the Pelosi-led Democratic House are over, but pressure must still be put on the GOP. The GOP’s Budget Committee chairman, Congressman Paul Ryan, filed a less than impressive budget, which will cut government spending a measly $32 billion in the next fiscal year. If the tough-talkers in the GOP can’t do better than this, America is doomed for sure. GOP leadership should be using the upcoming vote on raising the debt ceiling to extract major budget cuts, not nibbling around the edges.
The Great Money Flood coming from the federal government and from the Federal Reserve are sending a tsunami of liquidity washing over the economic and financial landscape. Still, job creation has stalled. America’s job creators, small businesses, are aware of what President Obama and his group of Marxist thinking handlers are all about, and are thus rightly operating with caution and restraint. The president’s speech to the Chamber of Commerce received a terrible reception because people have no faith in his willingness to help America’s job creators.
If you want to tell Congress how the government can help you create jobs click on www.americanjobcreators.com and let them know how government is holding your business back.
President Barack Obama speaking to the Chamber of Commerce:
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