The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth is a profound, elegantly presented, and masterfully written road map to health. This fun, easy-to-read book will amaze you with its convincing logic and powerful presentation. If you are like me, you will not be able to put it down. From my initial run-through of the book’s index (the place where I always begin any serious research), I knew I had hit the mother lode.
I have been on the warpath on your behalf to get you and your family out of the big-box commercial food emporiums. Little good can come from a shopping trip that concludes with a cartful of highly processed, packaged foods with all the life bleached, boiled, pickled, or frozen out. And the abject horror of commercial feedlot corn-stuffed, antibiotic- and hormone-injected travesties of nature cannot be overstated. Talk about bastardizing the food chain. If you have seen Food, Inc. or read any of Michael Pollan’s or Joel “The Saint” Salatin’s books, you will never again go near commercially produced chicken, eggs, milk, or pork. You’ll also steer clear of most non-organically farmed fruit and vegetables and the poisons that are applied to them.
You need to seek out healthy food. I know of no better place to send you than to The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. You will read all about omega-3s in Johnny Bowden’s short primer on fat. You will get the real deal on the glycemic index. You will learn about the profound power of antioxidants. You will read about Mr. Bowden’s concern about the excessive focus on cholesterol. For my money, much of the cholesterol info that has been force-fed to an unaware public by the drug-company fearmongers is nothing short of fraud. You will read about the importance of soil quality, the organic movement, and how your family can benefit. And you’ll get fabulous top 10 food lists from various experts, each packed with insight and commonsense wisdom from real pros in the field.
Read about how Brussels sprouts may ward off colon cancer, how cabbage keeps breast cancer at bay, and why allergy and asthma sufferers benefit from onions. You may not know about the power of purslane, the prostate-cancer-fighting benefits of tomatoes, and why your liver loves turmeric. And of course you will find a special section on all the good there is to say about grass-fed beef. Sound good to you?
I read and research for a living. That’s what I do, and I assure you that you do not want to be without The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. The book does not leave my desk. Enjoy and benefit for the rest of your life. I gave copies to family members for Christmas. A magnificent gift, as I am certain you will soon agree!
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