Lt. Col. John Nagl (who wrote The U.S. Army/Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual), says the U.S. military is ready to stay and occupy Iraq. Well, that is what military forces do. The overriding question is whether or not Iraq represents a national security risk. History will prove that the United States has no business in meddling with the internal policies of the Muslim world. And history will also prove that the Muslim world is anti the United States and everything America stands for. Rather than concentrating our military and financial efforts in picking sides in Iraq and Syria, America should ban immigration from the Muslim world, cancel college visas from the Muslim world, and get down to the serious business of sealing our borders.
Americans are asleep at the switch and influenced by the Washington political elite who are in large measure in bed with the very crowd that created America’s doomsday setting at the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Debbie and I have made nine trips to France in the last four years. Wealthy French residents are bailing out of the country at a frightening pace due to not only the failed high tax policies of the Socialist Hollande administration, but also the increasingly combustible effect of millions of restive and angry Muslims in the French suburbs (see here and here). This cancerous condition goes unreported here in America, but Debbie and I have seen what is going on firsthand and have witnessed the rapid emergence of Front National (FN) led by hard line anti-Muslim and anti-European Union leader Marine Le Pen. Were an election held in France today, FN would assume control of France and begin a rapid program of stopping all immigration from the Muslim world, cancelling visas and shipping out all current unproductive and/or troubling Muslim residents.
On one visit, we saw the brown-shirted FN assembled forces in action. These folk are not kidding around. The French populace seems to have have gotten the message. The real shocker for us is that Hollande, with an approval rating less than half of Barack Obama’s hideous rating, has not been dragged from office.
To better understand the magnitude of the radical Muslim problem facing France—but more important, facing America—read from beginning to end Robert Spencer’s Arab Winter Comes to America . Learn why National Review’s Andrew C. McCarthy says about Arab Winter: “When you pretend your enemies are your friends, you don’t get peace, you get terror.” You’ll also learn why Geert Wilders, the Dutch leader of the fast rising Party for Freedom in the Netherlands, writes, “The Arab Winter will be upon America, unless America starts listening.”
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