The Sotomayor Precedent – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
The verdicts are in at the Supreme Court and Sonia Sotomayor has shown herself to bre every bit the radical leftist, activist justice that conservative Americans knew she would be. In the words of the Wall Street Journal editors, “Justice Sotomayor is already revealing herself to be the Court’s most liberal member.” I couldn’t agree more. She has dissented in defense of terrorists and trial lawyers, and slammed the majority in one case where she thought they were paying too much attention to the law. Isn’t that what justices are supposed to do? Now the President would like to install another radical progressive on the court, this one with plenty of political experience. Elena Kagan should be filibustered to prevent another liberal like Sotomayor from sitting on the bench of the Supreme Court. – Dick Young
Terror Target: Manhattan – Judith Miller, The Wall Street Journal
New Yorkers are fortunate to have police commissioner Ray Kelly fighting the war on terror. Yes, it is a war and Manhattan continues to be a prime target. Kelly notes that the failed SUV bomber shouldn’t be written off as incompetent, which The New York Times recklessly did with their coverage. In reality, dangerous and radicalized middle-class men between the ages of 15-35, with no connection to al Qaeda, threaten us from within our borders. Meanwhile this administration, to avoid offending anyone, continues to naively categorize this as a fight against al Qaeda. – E.J. Smith
Obama to Warn U.S. Health Insurers Against Rate Jumps – Reuters
The President is out, Hugo-Chavez-style, warning insurance companies not to raise their rates, or else. Or else what Mr. President? Are you going to nationalize the health care system? Wait, you’ve done that already. It’s not enough that Americans are now mandated to buy health care, but Mr. Obama wants to put the screws to the insurance companies so they don’t make too many profits. Too few profits will mean bankruptcy, and an open door for a “public option.” The plan continues. Step one: create an unconstitutional mandate for health insurance. Step two: Destroy perfectly legal job creating insurance companies. Step three: Save country with public option. Step four: Enjoy watching the free market system buckle under the strain of a publicly funded health care system. Americans still don’t want Obamacare and will fight to repeal it. – Timothy Jones
Republicans Rip White House on Continuing Bribery Scandal – Connie Hair, Human Events
The Obama administration is stonewalling Congressman Darrell Issa’s attempts at uncovering the truth about the Joe Sestak bribe. Full disclosure should be made so the people, and their elected Congress, can determine whether or not the President and his administration are guilty of crimes for which they should be punished. That’s only fair from the “most open and transparent administration in the nation’s history.” The President has written “Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing.” A dose of that accountability is needed now. – Dick Young
With Obama, Balanced Budget Amendment Crucial – Sen. Jim DeMint, Human Events
A balanced budget amendment would be a powerful tool to set the United States back on a course to fiscal viability. There is much too much borrowing occurring at the federal, state, and even local levels. There is no reason Congress and the President can’t balance the budget this year, but every time he talks about the budget, President Obama seems to want to talk about years down the road, many times after he will be out of office. – Dick Young
Rahm on the Run – John Fund, The Wall Street Journal
With Emanuel gone, imagine a White House with even more free range Czars. – E.J. Smith
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