GOP Questions Kagan’s Experience and Politics – Audrey Hudson, Human Events
The Supreme Court just narrowly voted, 5-4 to uphold the constitution’s Second amendment and protect gun owners’ rights. Judging by her Clinton-era hostility to gun owners and the NRA, Elena Kagan would have surely voted to deny Americans their right to bear arms. Any senator considering a confirmation vote for Elena Kagan no longer deserves a place in the Senate. A GOP filibuster is a must, and if one fails to emerge, the GOP leadership needs to be replaced. – Dick Young
Obama Is Invoked at Blagojevich Trial – Lauren Etter, The Wall Street Journal
President Obama knew former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich wanted a top White House job in exchange for appointing a political ally to Obama’s vacated Senate seat, according an ex-aide to Blagojevich. “He also said Mr. Blagojevich believed he was communicating indirectly with the president through intermediaries and that the message was clear: If the former governor appointed Valerie Jarrett, Mr. Obama’s longtime friend and senior White House advisor, Mr. Blagojevich would get a top job”, reports The Wall Street Journal. Between Obama, Blagojevich, Jarrett and SEIU, it looks like Chicago style politics as usual. – E.J. Smith
Hillary Clinton: Accidental Supply-Sider – Steve Forbes, The Wall Street Journal
On my desk, I have a copy of Steve Forbes’ excellent book Flat Tax Revolution where he explains the incredible benefits of a simplified tax code and supports it with well-researched facts. For example, just one of the many benefits you might enjoy is the time saved filing a return on a piece of paper about the size of a postcard and essentially abolishing the IRS. In this Wall Street Journal piece, Mr. Forbes accurately points out how wrong Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in believing Brazil has the highest tax-to-GDP rate in the Western Hemisphere because the rich pay their fair share. She fails to see, as he so accurately illuminates, the obvious reason for their high tax-to-GDP rate is that their highest tax rate is a mere 27.5%. – E.J. Smith
Saudi Textbooks: Still Teaching Hatred – Nina Shea, National Review
The President will no doubt continue the tradition of American presidents cowering before Saudi royals at his meeting with King Abdullah. The first priority for any president of this country should be doing everything possible to extricate the U.S. from its ridiculous relationship with Saudi Arabia. That relationship supports terrorism against Americans and a culture of hatred in Saudi Arabia. – Dick Young
Gen. McChrystal to Retire – Peter Spiegel, The Wall Street Journal
The Obama administration’s failure to keep General Stanley McChrystal on board, even after removing him from command, will not help the war effort and simply shows the administration’s lack of vision. McChrystal has vital experience that will surely be missed in Afghanistan. This situation is similar to the firing of Dennis Blair earlier this year. The military and intelligence communities want nothing to do with the adolescent Obama administration. – Dick Young
Five Gun Salute – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
Conservatives everywhere should be overjoyed. The Supreme Court has ruled that the Chicago handgun ban is unconstitutional, and that ruling will give gun rights activists across the country the power they need to tear down gun control laws all over the country. The lack of support from the liberal wing, including newly minted justice Sotomayor, of the Supreme Court was disheartening. The Bill of Rights should be incorporated to all states, whether it be protecting freedom of speech or the right to bear arms. – Timothy Jones
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